what day is your fat-urday



  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I play it by ear based on what activities I have scheduled.
    Picnics, parties or dinners? That's the day.
    I love my cheat day, or as I prefer to say: "RE-FEED THERAPY"
    I have a weekly day where I eat about twice my daily goal, and a monthly food orgy where I eat like a man going to the electric chair for 24 hours.

    LOVE IT!
    It's nice knowing I am never more than 7 days from eating anything I desire in whatever quantity I want.
    I'd go nuts otherwise.

    good lord, twice your goal?

    imagine if you DIDN'T do that. You wouldn't have to re-lose weight you already lost.
    I have lost over 70 lbs doing this, so no progress has been uninhibited.
    And I am eating around 3000 calories daily, and losing around a half to a pound every week.

    You were saying?:laugh:
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,024 Member
    I play it by ear based on what activities I have scheduled.
    Picnics, parties or dinners? That's the day.
    I love my cheat day, or as I prefer to say: "RE-FEED THERAPY"
    I have a weekly day where I eat about twice my daily goal, and a monthly food orgy where I eat like a man going to the electric chair for 24 hours.

    LOVE IT!
    It's nice knowing I am never more than 7 days from eating anything I desire in whatever quantity I want.
    I'd go nuts otherwise.

    good lord, twice your goal?

    imagine if you DIDN'T do that. You wouldn't have to re-lose weight you already lost.
    I have lost over 70 lbs doing this, so no progress has been uninhibited.
    And I am eating around 3000 calories daily, and losing around a half to a pound every week.

    You were saying?:laugh:

    Yeah, I think most people think a cheat day is for getting in their evil foods in moderation, which is not the real purpose of a cheat day, it's for reseting hormones and keeping the body in a more fat burning environment.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I play it by ear based on what activities I have scheduled.
    Picnics, parties or dinners? That's the day.
    I love my cheat day, or as I prefer to say: "RE-FEED THERAPY"
    I have a weekly day where I eat about twice my daily goal, and a monthly food orgy where I eat like a man going to the electric chair for 24 hours.

    LOVE IT!
    It's nice knowing I am never more than 7 days from eating anything I desire in whatever quantity I want.
    I'd go nuts otherwise.

    good lord, twice your goal?

    imagine if you DIDN'T do that. You wouldn't have to re-lose weight you already lost.

    There are studies that show that having a day where you eat twice your daily need actually has more benefits than drawbacks. It speeds up the metabolism and keeps your body from getting used to running on a calorie deficit, thereby accelerating fat loss rather than slowing it down or causing one to have to 're-lose' the weight. The body takes what it needs and flushes out the rest and getting immediately back into a workout regime keeps your body from storing any fat.

    I follow the same strategy and still consistently lose, and I maintain my energy levels because my body knows it will get what it needs to keep up with my 6-day a week fat burning awesomeness!
    Some just don't get it.
    And that is why so many fail. Their programs are way too restrictive and metabolism stifles.
    No thanks!
    My metabolism is in OVERDRIVE!
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    I eat whatever I want. I just work it into my calorie goal. Last night I went out with my family and had a cheeseburger on sourdough with fries. It was AMAZING!! I also had 3 beers with my hubby. The only macro I went over on was protein, and that's just fine with me :) It's just a matter of not eating junk and soda for every meal for me. I could never give up the foods I love. It wouldn't be worth it for me. I've had awesome progress just being aware of what's going into my mouth and tracking it along with exercise.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    just because dr oz said something, doesn't make it true. that being said, calorie spike days are one of the many tools at your disposal to lose weight and exercise better, such as an intermitten fast, or protein shakes.

    cheat days almost imply that you can eat whatever you want without any negative consequences. you should not say to yourself "oh, a cheat day? i'll eat this whole pizza and a six pack of beer. yes, i will have fries with that." this is not good.

    i usually have a spike day on a rest day. i find that on a spike day, where i go over my calories with good healthy options, and then go out and work out the next morning, and i'm talking a big work out of cardio and strength, i have an outstanding work out, with great intensity, plenty of energy, and tons of calories burned. check out my diary from thursday and friday. and check out the work out on friday. you may have to shield your eyes from the awesome.
    Make your diary public?

    Done.thought it was
  • maryjay51
    i dont make it one specific day or meal a week.. i get invited out a lot for meetings, dates , events ect ..so i pick the one that has the best food items that i want and go for it .. the other ones i either dont eat at or eat something that falls in to the category of what i typically eat in a day
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Last night was. I ate arby's and had some brownies at home. NOM NOM NOM.

    ate about 3200 calories yesterday. Guess what? scale didn't go up!!! omg so shocking....
  • cynciti
    No cheat days for me!!

    I've become so conscious of 'good for you food', I want to include those more and more in my diet and the others less. I'm anemic so I watch my Iron and Vitamin C intake everyday. I've realized with Fitness Pal how superfoods are so important because they're jam-packed with nutrients. No wonder Popeye wanted us to eat our Spinach...It's chuck full of Iron, Vitamins A and C, Potassium, Calcium and Protein!

    I feel more energized and stronger than I ever have!

    I burn between 800-1400 a day with my fitness routine, P90X so I always have 300-500 calories left over in my calorie count per day. When I snack, and I do, I try to stick to one that is somewhat healthy (for instance, 2 TBLSpoons of dark chocolate chips with almonds or sunflower seeds). My snacking philosophy is to do it when I feel like it--there isn't a specific day and I never deprive myself of anything. I work so hard being healthy and staying active that When I DO want a piece of really fattening cake, I'll have it without any guilt whatsoever!

    Good Luck!!
  • ShrinkingChelle
    I play it by ear based on what activities I have scheduled.
    Picnics, parties or dinners? That's the day.
    I love my cheat day, or as I prefer to say: "RE-FEED THERAPY"
    I have a weekly day where I eat about twice my daily goal, and a monthly food orgy where I eat like a man going to the electric chair for 24 hours.

    LOVE IT!
    It's nice knowing I am never more than 7 days from eating anything I desire in whatever quantity I want.
    I'd go nuts otherwise.

    good lord, twice your goal?

    imagine if you DIDN'T do that. You wouldn't have to re-lose weight you already lost.

    You should have a look at the science behind spike days, I love them. Broke my plateau and I dont feel like Im punishing myself by eating healthy all the time because one day a week I get to enjoy whatever I want :)
  • KateFitness89
    Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday lol
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I would never have a cheat day because I know what I am like: I would go COMPLETELY overboard and spend the rest of the week fixing the damage I caused on that one day. Here is what I've very recently started doing instead. I find that if I have lots of calories left at the end of the day, I end up splurging them on empty-calorie rubbishy items. Once I have too many of those, my addictive personality takes over, and I don't stop. Sooooo, instead of doing that, I've made a vow that instead I am permitted to have one treat a day with my calories. It can be anything I want, but something considered to be rubbish OR processed (ie. I don't see certain granola bars as rubbish, but they are processed, so if I have one, that will be my treat for the day). This is so that I don't feel deprived. Once I eat my treat, I am done for the day. Spreading 7 treats out over the week is like having my own tamed-down version of a cheat day. I won't be going over my calories, but will still be getting on those things I would want to indulge in if I could have a cheat day.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I think the problem is calling it a "cheat day" it implies that you are doing something sly and against the rules. Some people have spike days, a day off, a splurge, whatever, basically adds up to the same thing, a day over your calorie setting. I tried to do one of these this week and only managed to get to 1268 calories, but I ate what I felt like eating, you might think it was healthy choices but it included steak pudding and chips!
    Some people go to extremes though, if you said cheat day to them they would imagine stuffing their faces with cakes and sweets, obviously no-one means that lol :laugh:
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    just because dr oz said something, doesn't make it true. that being said, calorie spike days are one of the many tools at your disposal to lose weight and exercise better, such as an intermitten fast, or protein shakes.

    cheat days almost imply that you can eat whatever you want without any negative consequences. you should not say to yourself "oh, a cheat day? i'll eat this whole pizza and a six pack of beer. yes, i will have fries with that." this is not good.

    i usually have a spike day on a rest day. i find that on a spike day, where i go over my calories with good healthy options, and then go out and work out the next morning, and i'm talking a big work out of cardio and strength, i have an outstanding work out, with great intensity, plenty of energy, and tons of calories burned. check out my diary from thursday and friday. and check out the work out on friday. you may have to shield your eyes from the awesome.
    Make your diary public?

    I can see his diary because we are friends - he is pretty awesome at eating well.
    Ahh :) and I believe it, was just interested hehe.
  • melimoor
    Hello I am very new to this so not sure on a lot of things I keep seeing some say no and some say yes...same with articles and all that too. So I guess there is no real answer huh?
  • wally1uk
    wally1uk Posts: 120
    Sunday is my 'day off'. It's a day for being in the kitchen and cooking for me...which I often think is my downfall :S Do love cooking, even if I don't get to eat too much of myself nowadays!!
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I am still grappling with a cheat day. I was having one every Sunday for awhile and losing more weight the following week than before I started doing that. Then last weeks I went crazy with it (like 3000 calories over crazy) and gained a pound and a half that week. I hate the idea of giving it up totally but Dr. Oz's idea of a cheat day and mine differ greatly. Still not sure what I'm doing this Sunday. Definitely going to maintenance at the very least but thinking of allowing 1000 calories over. Hmmmm...
  • anzi888
    anzi888 Posts: 102 Member
    I don't really have a "cheat day" set, but when I start to lose my motivation, I take a day and eat what I've been craving for weeks without feeling guilty (usually fast food). I also save some calories here and there for chips or chocolate. When I do feel guilty about eating unhealthy, I just go to the gym longer! ... Works for me :)
  • becki101_4
    becki101_4 Posts: 47 Member
    Dr. Oz mentiones you can cheat one day a week and his cannot be within 5 days of the first cheat. For those of you who are doing this what day of the week is your fat-urday. And what are you eating on your cheat day?

    I haven't decided yet on what my day will be but I know it will be on a weekend.

    I think it's stupid to have a cheat day, and also a waste of time & sweat.

    I don't cheat.

    I have one rest day and one half rest day a week. That's it.

    Wow...I guess anyone who does things differently from you should just give up their existence then. Way to support others' ideas!
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    I don't take a "cheat day" because I don't believe in them. If there is an occasion, such as a birthday, where I know I will be eating a piece of cake I made sure I work it into my daily calories. The way I look at it is, I am not on a "diet" I am making a lifestyle change. The word diet to me means something temporary. Personally, I am making changes that will last the rest of my life. It is ok to have "naughty foods" from time to time but in moderation. I don't need to set aside a specific day each week for "naughty" foods. I embrace each day as it comes, eat in moderation and work everything into my allotted calories.

    I like this!!
  • ginamaria724
    Usually it's Tuesdays. Random, but that day just works the best for my workouts hahah.