Hi not new but first time actually given MFP a true effort

Ydrgn Posts: 18 Member
Hi MFP community, I decided i should finally introduce myself and expand my friends. I only joined MFP because my best friend pushed me to and why not, I knew I needed to lose weight. But it took me several months before I finally got serious about it. At the age of 25 I was 200 lbs and I had become extremely uncomfortable in my body but saw no way to lose the weight. I had tried before but didnt see progress so I would quit. Why try so hard with no results. What made me push forward again was a pic of me at a baptism. I loved to dress I bought; I felt pretty but when I saw the pic I was like OMG do I really look that fat!! Yes I knew I had gained weight since the last time I wore a dress (four years ago) but I did not realize how bad it had gotten. Four years ago I was a size 12 and in that pic the dress was ( I cant believe I'm admitting this) a size 16. So yeah I knew I needed a change. So I turned back to MFP which I had started but never really followed through. It all began when my wonderful and pushy friend (the same one who pushed me to get on here) began her wedding planning. I was to be a bridesmaid which meant I would be forced to wear a dress and take pictures, something I avoided as much as possible since I did not want to be reminded of my weight ( yeah I know I was delusional since I was reminded every day my clothes fit too tight). At the first dress fitting, again I was reminded I was a size 16. The next day I began to truly commit to MFP. I have recorded my food every day since and actually began working out. I am so happy to say that I have lost 12.6 lbs and am so close to dropping a dress size (I might actually be there already but too anxious to try). My friend's wedding is in 5 months so I will defintely continue to log in every day to this amazing site that has given me hope when I most needed it. I would love to make new friends so please feel free to add me. I see the great relationship and support my friend has with her extended communtiy and would like to build mine. For anyone who is new or has decided to give MFP a new try, I promise you that the results as worth the effort. BTW I love ya brisa for being your annoying pushy self and given me the motivation I needed to make this much needed change.


  • kris10surmeier
    kris10surmeier Posts: 4 Member
    Hi my name is Kristen and I'll be your friend on here. You have taken the first and best step ever! I kinda did the same thing as you, I signed up but forgot and then had a 2 back surgeries within 6 months. This has been an awesome tool and it's free (can't beat that). When I log all my food, it's amazing how it adds up but you don't think it would. LOVE THIS!
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    Aww! Your annoying, pushy friend loves you too!!! :D I'm so glad you're are finally expanding your MFP friends list.