
A lot of my friends have downloaded this app since I've started it and they see the pounds falling off of me and they want a success story too. That's great right? Unfortunately they don't enter the food, they cheat all the time and make choices like a jumbo twix bar. This is my support system...and I deleted them all which probably makes me a horrible person but this is so important to me and I feel like that influence is so negative on my life changing journey. It would be great to have some friends who use this, know how amazing it is and understand that you can't just do it half way. If you would like to become my friend I would love to share my journey with you :)


  • I'm new and this this is an amazing app - but you're right - you can't cheat! Noone is doing themselves any favors by cheating. I don't have a ton to lose but need to start eating healthier and getting my *kitten* onto the treadmill or doing the 30 day shred! I'll add you! Best of luck!!!
  • I am new to this also. Not weight loss, but this app. I am also looking for friends with the same goal and accountability!! I am sooo excited to get started and drop these lbs!! I am also a newly diagnosed diabetic (read about me) and I love the way this tracks all of my target goals. I am so new to this whole thing and am overwhelmed by it, so I pray this helps me get organized. :)