
I am so frustrated. this is the second week in a row I have lost NOTHING!! NO WEIGHT NO INCHES! and I was sick so I really was not eating much! I weigh myself everyday and I was fluctuating between 223 and 220. My "official" weigh in date is tomorrow and I am just so discouraged i don't even want to get on the scale! What am I doing wrong? I hope to lose60 pounds and at this rate I just don't see that happening. I record everything...I drink hot tea and zero calorie iced tea all day so I do not record that...I do take prozac and I ddi have my period last week ( in addition to being sick UGH) Suggestions?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you record EVERYTHING then you are basically starving yourself... one day you ate about 375 calories.... this is not healthy, this will not help you lose weight (as you're finding out) and keep it off.

    Where is the fruit and veg in your diet?

    you really need to try and reach your calorie target and eat plenty of fruit and veg and lean meat... your body needs nutrition to be able to function properly. you need to think of this as a lifestyle diet, not starving yourself and then being able to eat what you like again! sadly it doesnt work like that!

    Good luck
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    You are not eating enough and what you are eating is mostly processed. You need to add fruits, veggies and lean protein.
  • KDWS
    KDWS Posts: 61 Member
    I am going to start eating mroe and exercising snacks are mostly all veggies and fruit: clemintines, mushrooms, green beans and spinich...
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    You definately need to eat more! By looking at your diary you are not eating anywhere near enough.

    I'm about 30lbs lighter than you and my calorie intake goal is 1500... 1300 odd calories is not enough.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    you kidding me? you need to eat more. your body is fighting the weight loss. and yes, low calorie healthy snacks are good, but you can still eat full calorie food like peanut butter, bread, rice, chicken, red meat.
  • PurplePookie
    PurplePookie Posts: 85 Member
    I agree with everyone else - you are not eating enough and what you are eating seems to be high in calories but low in substance. You need to write everything down that you put in your mouth in order to get a good idea of where you need to improve.
  • Tracejade96
    Tracejade96 Posts: 2 Member
    eat something high (15 - 30 g) in protien every 3 hours ... fruits and veggies are great but they didnt help me much ... adding the constant stream of protien to my diet has been what finally has worked.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Just a guess (as is everyone else's post) but for a 2000 a day calorie diet you should have less than 2300mg sodium. So even if you were holding at 1000 cals a day that would be 1150mg sodium. You are under those cals so sodium should be lower as well.

    I'm thinking drink a lot of unsweetened green tea as you are likely retaining water because the items on your diary look high sodium.
  • if you record EVERYTHING then you are basically starving yourself... one day you ate about 375 calories.... this is not healthy, this will not help you lose weight (as you're finding out) and keep it off.

    Where is the fruit and veg in your diet?

    you really need to try and reach your calorie target and eat plenty of fruit and veg and lean meat... your body needs nutrition to be able to function properly. you need to think of this as a lifestyle diet, not starving yourself and then being able to eat what you like again! sadly it doesnt work like that!

    Good luck

    You are so right! It's all about a lifestyle change, not a diet!
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    if you are actually recording everything you eat, you're lucky you're still functional. Only one day in the last week has been anywhere near a decent amount of calories.
  • KDWS
    KDWS Posts: 61 Member
    Ok so what should I eat specifically....I see peanut buttter bread and chicken...what else...
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Wow. During one week you had 210 calories one day and around 350 two other days. Are you alive still? I'd be in some sort of a coma I think.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Ok so what should I eat specifically....I see peanut buttter bread and chicken...what else...

    i make big batches of oatmeal at home, and put them in seperate containers to take with me to work. mix peanut butter in them (while its cooking) to add some protein. add some raisins or a sliced banana to sweeten it up.

    i grill up a family pack of chicken breast weekly. they're great to throw into salads or put on a whole wheat wrap for nice healthy lunches.

    its winter time, so its great to cook big meals like stews, roasts, and braises, and have plenty left over for weeks. the other day i made a huge batch of baked beans for the first time. OMG, with some chicken and rice, excellent lunch, or dinner.

    on my days off, there is always some kind of food porn going on in my kitchen. preperation is the key to success.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    take a look at any of the diairies of people in this thread...right now i'm eating a big plate of scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon and an iced mocha made with chocolate soy milk. Meats, fruits, veggies, yogurt, cheese, eggs, whole grain breads and's not that hard. You can eat anything you want...just don't overindulge has some amazing recipes that are highly freezable for later use.
  • KDWS
    KDWS Posts: 61 Member

    In the future, if you are not being helpful please don't reply to my posts...
  • KDWS
    KDWS Posts: 61 Member
    i make big batches of oatmeal at home, and put them in seperate containers to take with me to work. mix peanut butter in them (while its cooking) to add some protein. add some raisins or a sliced banana to sweeten it up.

    Gret idea!!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member

    In the future, if you are not being helpful please don't reply to my posts...

    yeaaaa, you should develop thick skin. and telling someone that is like saying "i am rubber you are glue" to some little kid on the play ground.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    You need to eat more. Plain and simple. Severely restricting your calories isn't the healthy (or sustainable) way to lose weight. You are basically starving yourself. Your body isn't losing weight because you aren't giving it enough food to perform basic functions let alone enough to make it feel comfortable to lose weight.

    You HAVE to eat to lose. Plain and simple. Our bodies are wonderful things. They protect itself when we are trying to damage it. It holds onto everything you're giving it to eat because it is worried there won't be anymore food coming in. Start eating more lean meats (chicken and fish), more veggies (frozen veggies are better than canned and cheap too!), and fruits. No, you don't have to give up some of the things you enjoy but consume them in moderation.

    Drink enough water. Water is important.

    Make sure you are logging EVERYTHING you eat and aim to get the bottom number on your food diary as close to zero as possible.
  • tmbobe
    tmbobe Posts: 11
    I just started dieting on January 17th ish and I feel your frustration. In response to your "what should I eat" question, I don't think it is THAT difficult to find foods that you can eat. I am supposed to be on a 1200 calorie diet and am trying to meet all of my nutritional needs.

    I read somewhere that protein for breakfast is the best way to kick-start your metabolism. I usually fry (in non-fat cooking spray) 4 egg whites and sprinkle about a Tbsp of mild cheddar cheese on top. If I am still hungry, I will eat a small-medium apple. For a snack, I usually eat a few mini carrots and/or a string cheese stick. I usually go to the gym and walk on the treadmill while reading my schoolbooks for about an hour at 15% incline. Reading keeps my mind of the energy it takes to exercise. The exercise really helps curb hunger AND because I need 1200 calories (minimum), I get to eat back my exercise calories. I don't usually eat them all but I come close.

    I am not a big fan of healthy foods, but I am serious about weight loss this time. I am 30 and I know that my metabolism isn't going to speed up as I get older. I have been overweight since I got out of high school and I have had enough. I want to lose about 40 lbs.

    I have avoided cooking with oil, when possible, and have started buying from the healthy section in the grocery store. I am now cooking smaller amounts of leaner meats (ground turkey and chicken breasts) and adding lots of veggies, of which I am not a fan. I realize that although I am missing that small amount of gratification of eating really tasty foods (fattening), I am also "missing" that miserable feeling of guilt that goes along with it. Eating healthier, I am more motivated to exercise, and I feel a sense of accomplishment for "sticking to it".

    The only thing you are doing by eating next to nothing is starving your body and slowing your metabolism. I can't really list all the things I am eating, but feel free to check out my diary to see some of my food choices. I have been discouraged because I don't feel like I am really losing inches, but I have gone from 195 (period weight) down to 182 today (after breakfast and lunch).