
Hi, would like to find support from other members who may also need support and motivation :-)


  • Ydrgn
    Ydrgn Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me :) I have been on this site for several months but this is the first time making a true effort. Studies have shown that working out with friends increases ur chance to lose weight and I have found that theory pretty accurate. My bff is getting married in 5 months and i am being forced to be a bridesmaid (yikes) and even though we dont work out together we support each other through here. So I would love to be lend my support to anyone else who needs it. Good luck and dont give up. Take it from someone who has been overweight since adolescence and has tried many times to lose weight and has given up, MFP is a wonderful and motivating tool. First time I have actually lost weight :0)
  • horsemadami
    Request sent :-) Thanks.
    I remember a time where I could eat what I want and not worry about it...then I had kids and that all went to pot! thanks kids! lol so I have been trying ever since to get my weight down.... I have lost weight since having my boys but now I am finding it hard to get past a certain weight then I get frustrated and fed up and end up giving up.....so I am hoping that getting support from others through this community when I am feeling weak and frustrated it will help me through these patches.
  • DawnCravesHim
    DawnCravesHim Posts: 21 Member
    Hi - I too am looking for more friends for support. I joined a few weeks ago and I am loving it. :smile: