new to this with no support

hello everyone i am new to this and would love some support! no one i really knows me supports me 100%. most of my friends think i will crack and only do this for a few months and give up! i feel like i just need some support from somewhere. even my husband doesnt think i will reach my ugw :cry:


  • blazeybug87
    blazeybug87 Posts: 226 Member
    You'll show them ;)
  • allegedglobalconspiracy
    Hello there! Well it looks like it's time to prove a ton of people wrong and have some fun doing it! I'm always glad to spread some positivity and lend some support, so by all means feel free to add me! :smile:
  • I deff. support anyone making a positive change in their life! =)
  • shlottelac
    shlottelac Posts: 41 Member
    Just go your way and don't think about the next months... think about today, day by day you will do it and you will find all the support you need! ^_^
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    feel free to add me. good luck.
  • Taitiant
    :flowerforyou: It's Deff time for you to prove to your self more than them that you can do this and u want this!! You will find a TON of support here that u never thought u'd have. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!
    Dont let anyone tell you you CANT do it! Thats for you to decide and for you to Overcome! You got this!!!! Youve taken the first step, no let the rest follow!
    Good luck to you and your journey!!! :flowerforyou:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,120 Member
    Do it all Stealth-Like. Don't share your details with those who don't support you.

    Come here for that.

    Good luck. WE know you can do it.
  • wendyd18
    im sure you will get all the support you need from here! feel free to add me :smile:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Don't worry about'll find great support here! I NEVER thought I would make it as far as I have :) Feel free to add me!
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    There's plenty of us here on MFP with little to no support and we are doing it - so can you! You are all you need to make a positive change in your life.

    :) Just keep your head up and stay focused... you will see results if you stick with it!
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    Get stubborn. Don't worry about what other people want or don't want you to do. Just do what you need to in order to get healthy. We're here for you. Add us as friends and we'll keep you focused and support you.
    I've been at this for 7 months. Not nearly as long as some of the other great successes here, but I know how to at least stay motivated.
  • Jnine25
    Jnine25 Posts: 126 Member
    Do it all Stealth-Like. Don't share your details with those who don't support you.

    Come here for that.

    Good luck. WE know you can do it.

    I second that!!! And that is exactly what I am doing. My family says they'll support me, but all they do is ask how much weight I've lost. My husband tells me to splurge when he fixes something that he knows I like. I do have a few friends that support me, but almost all of my positive support comes from MFP. Good luck and give it your best shot and then some!!!:flowerforyou:
  • JammiRee
    You can do it... I promise you will find the support you need here. If you're having a bad day and need a push just ask for it!
    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • sexyagainbysummer
    sexyagainbysummer Posts: 47 Member
    wow guys thanks!!!!!! i actually have a few tears! (seriously!) i need this! i am super stoked i can talk to people about what i am doing and my sucess and excersize without feeling like i am "bothering" my friends or just being plain annoying! thank yall sooooo much!
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    I know what you mean, it's really hard when friends/family dont seem to want to help you or encourage you. I'm finding that the people on here are AWESOME for that though!
  • JammiRee
    Do it all Stealth-Like. Don't share your details with those who don't support you.

    Come here for that.

    Good luck. WE know you can do it.

    I second that!!! And that is exactly what I am doing. My family says they'll support me, but all they do is ask how much weight I've lost. My husband tells me to splurge when he fixes something that he knows I like. I do have a few friends that support me, but almost all of my positive support comes from MFP. Good luck and give it your best shot and then some!!!:flowerforyou:

    Me too! I keep the "how I'm doing it" to myself outside of MFP... I'm more than willing to share what I'm doing with anyone here!
  • sml1231
    sml1231 Posts: 10 Member
    I was lucky that when I first started dieting and working out, my best friend started with me, so we could hold each other accountable. I ended up losing 60 lbs, and she lost about 40 lbs. It's been about 6 years, and I've kept off about 40 lbs, but I'm struggling with that last 20 lbs. My best friend gained all her weight back and a few more pounds, and she's just given up on trying to live a healthy lifestyle. Many of my other friends are overweight and always want to get together and do something that revolves around food, so I understand how difficult it can be when you don't have that support. I try to make sure I eat a big healthy meal before I get together with them, so I'm not as tempted to fall back into my grazing pattern, and I'll try to stick to a glass of wine or a salad if we go out to eat or, if we're getting together at someone's house, bring a plate of some kind of healthy snack to share, so at least I know there will be one healthy snacking option available.

    My mom recently lost about 50 lbs., and her trick was to make the things she usually did for herself and my dad, but downsize the portion she was used to. My dad is a big meat and potatoes kind of eater, so she'd also skip the potatoes and double up on whatever vegetable she made instead. She convinced my dad to walk with her every morning before they went to work, and he ended up losing weight too, just by default :-)

    The best thing I can recommend for sticking with a weight loss program without other people's support is to have something to keep you honest. I joined this website, because I wanted that accountability, and I wanted to be able to see my progress spelled out for me. Another thing I used to do was write my daily 5k times up on a piece of paper on the refrigerator, so I could see my improvement. I also signed up for a gym membership when I got my new job, because the gym is right next door. I don't have a lot of extra money, and I hate wasting it, so I go to the gym 5 days a week to prove that the year-long membership isn't a waste. I think accountability is key, and looks different for everyone. I think getting on this website is a great start to that, so hang in there!
  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    Don't listen to the negativety...its crap. You can do anything u put your mind to. If u really want to change u will :) The best revenge is to prove the haters wrong ;)
  • dolphin9803
    I know where you are coming from! The only one that supports me is my mom, hubby doesn't like the fact that I am trying at this and thinks that I will fail! So the only one that I tell how I am doin is my mother. I figure my hubby will figure it out one day when he runs his hands up and down my

    Feel free to add if you would like!
  • hungriesmama13
    We will let you brag on here anytime. We like to hear about the baby steps...we all take them. It's about changing your lifestyle, not a fad! You go Girl! Add me if you if you like!