can't get motivated

Hi everybody! I need help getting motivated. I am a single mom of 3. One will graduate in May, one is in the 7th grade, and my baby will turn 11 next week. I work full time as a personal aide to an autistic child/teachers aide working with special ed kids. I also attend college full time online. I am always super busy. I want to lose the weight so bad in my head but when it comes time to make time I always seem to talk myslef out of it because I'm just too tired. I have recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure and I do not like the thought of having to take meds forever so I want to lose 100 pounds. I know it will take time. I want to be healthy! I moved to be with my mom after we lost my dad in June 2011. I don't know anybody but my family. I have no friends, nobody to just hang out with, and I don't make enough money to join the gym. i guess I was hoping to make friends on here so I would have something positive for me..just for look forward to.



  • hello I'm a newbie too it is very hard isn't it ,I am only finishing my 3rd week of healthy eating and moderate exercise at home x
  • dragonfly38
    dragonfly38 Posts: 7 Member
    It is very hard. With all I have goin on I'm just trying to get something cooked for the kids and my my mom...sooooooooooo...I end up eating not so healthy.....
  • I just joined. Can't wait to figure this all out
  • WOW! Except for the 3rd child and not a single mother, I thought I was reading my BIO! NO ONE will do this for you! I have never wanted to take time for myself and yet the weight hasn't went anywhere but up! I am finally going down.... Even on the nights when I feel like I can't put 1 foot in front of another... make time for your self! Just 1 set of 10 sit ups or push ups...anything! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 day at a time!
  • It's hard to exercise when you're so busy, but it's MUCH easier to stay between the lines w/some light exercise each day. Remember: YOU are at the top of your list! Good luck!
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Just sent you a friend request. :flowerforyou:
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Think of all the reasons to lose weight,

    be healthier for your kids
    live a long life and be there for your kids
    for you

    think of all the reasons I mean im sure you would LOVE to see grandkids one day your kids get married and such

    stay healthy for all good things in the long run

    write a list of all the good/pros of staying healthy/losing weight
    tack it on the fridge read it everyday when you wake up and take a look around at your kids


    you got this!
  • zaaden
    zaaden Posts: 26 Member
    Don't try too hard. Just start by moderating how much of the current food you eat and then start to introduce healthier options slowly. Don't try and swing too far away from what you do currently too quickly otherwise you will find it harder to keep it going. Make small changes and then try and make those changes permanent
  • tmbobe
    tmbobe Posts: 11
    I have two kids and am a full-time student. I am not a fan of not having any time to myself, so I have been condensing working out with studying. I take whatever book I need to read for school, set it on the treadmill or elliptical, and walk for an hour. I put the treadmill on 15% incline so I sweat and work, but I get my reading out of the way.

    Combining the two activities really helps me save time AND keep my mind off the exercise. I always have tons of reading to do for my BSN program (4 yr Nursing), so I am always "saving time". I have been to the gym almost everyday since I started on Jan 17.
  • dragonfly38
    dragonfly38 Posts: 7 Member
    Congrats to you!!! you got this!!!
  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    You sound lonesome - there are lots of people here on MFP who will friend you, and encourage you. You don't need special gym equipment, or to go to a gym... just find some exercise DVDs and do it with your 11 yr old, or go for walks - meanwhile try and make healthy choices in what you eat - it'll do you all good, and your Mum can help too to prepare good home-baked stuff.

    As others have said, keep your end goals in mind, but set intermediate ones too. Really value the effort you've made just to take the first step...