What at home work out is best for cardio?

Hey folks,

I have a pretty packed schedule and a gym with really annoying hours! I have a little trouble getting to the gym to do extra cardio so I was hoping to find a video that I can do at home. I currently do JM Ripped in 30 for some strength and cardio but was hoping to get some other recommendations. Also- I am a grad student= low on cash so something like Insanity is not within my budget. If it helps to give recommendations- I am in pretty good shape but would like to keep toning up and loose 10 or so lbs if (same goal I have had for months!!!:)



  • anonymouswheels96
    anonymouswheels96 Posts: 15 Member
    There's some cheap exercise DVD's out there or you could just watch some video's on youtube for inspiration.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I'm betting most will say 30 day shred and Couch to 5K
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    Personally I like 10 Minute Trainer.

    Also any onDemand exercises with Gilad.
  • occupyme
    occupyme Posts: 30 Member
    You said you are a grad student: do you have access to your university's swimming pool or the gym there? At my university, the pool offers daytime hours for swimming laps (prior to 8am and also mid-day plus weekends) and has a couple of gyms available for students--mostly free.

    Also, jumping rope and biking provide good cardio and are free (if you have a rope and/or a bike).
  • I bought a biggest loser one last week. Seems very good for me, since i got a workout, yet still in my ability. It probably depends on your current weight and how much you can handle for the type of home video. Just find one that seems interesting to you. A home workout is a great idea though for busy schedules. I use my to do something the days i can't get to the gym.
  • I just started Zumba (dvd at home). Wow, what a workout! And fun too. I have no dance experience, no rhythm, and 30lbs to lose. I thought it was great.
  • Since it's cold out, I've been doing virtually all my workouts indoors w/ DVDs. I like: 30 Day Shred, Biggest Loser Cardio Max, Biggest Loser Power Walk (Great for when you first get started) and Denise Austin's Bootcamp. I also like all the 10 Minute Solution DVDs mixed in. :) I'm looking forward to walking & running once it's warmer.
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    Thanks so much for the ideas! Unfortunately, the gym where I go to school doesn't open that early (not until noon on weekends!), closes fairly early, and doesn't offer much beyond the basic gym equipment- it is a small school. They have some classes but are offered while I am in class. When it warms up I will be able to bike and such but it is too cold here right now. I have done 30DS and felt it to be a good workout but not really any visible/measurable result. I have done the first level of Ripped in 30 also without any measurable result thus far- so I am always open to ideas to change it up. I will look into some of these, thanks!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I find that a simple jump rope is plenty of cardio for me.

    However, if you're looking for DVD recommendations, I also like Zumba and Turbo Jam. You can probably find used copies online if you're not looking to spend much. Does your local library have fitness DVDs?