The princess and the popcorn

Once upon a time in a far away land that was sunny and warm lived a beautiful princess on and epic journey to become the most fit and healthy woman in all the land. By her side was her very loyal knight Nutrition facts. One night after a hard battle the princess sat down for a snack before she went off to bed. This was her favorite snack. No snack in all the lands could compare. It was 94% fat free popcorn. This night however she was not as hungry so she shared some of her popcorn with the queen.
As she relaxed her knight came up to her and said, "Oh princess i see you are for once eating just one serving of your popcorn." The princess looked at him very confused, "What do you mean good knight?" "Why the popcorn my princess, you are only eating half the bag which contains two servings when full."
The princes's jaw dropped. She knew her knight has never lied to her before, but she had never realized that the bag had two servings and not one. All along she truly thought it was just one serving, just 112 calories, she was wrong. At once she felt so stupid. She began to panic. She had been going over her calorie count all along! Quickly she ran to a mirror to gazed at her reflection. She looked at her stomach and the reward she had received when she won the battle against crunches was still there. She looked at her arms and the reward she had received during her battle with the dumbbells was still very apparent. It was at that moment that everything became clear. Even though she did not fight a perfect fight she has won many battles and she knew that if she continued she would continue to win. In the morning she had to go up against the treadmill and chocolate chip cookies. So she stopped her fussing finished her snack and headed to bed. The princess would eventually reach her goal and live long, healthy, and Happily ever after.
The end

The moral of the story, don't stress. You guys we are humans and sometime we make mistakes. Sometime we don't workout or go over our calorie count sometime we realize that our faviorite snack has a lot more calories than we thought But if we stick to it we will reach our goal and lose the weight.


  • jrmc83
    jrmc83 Posts: 77 Member
    This is nice! Especially since this is the first week in about 2 months that I have really slacked on my workouts and eating. Tomorrow is a new day and a new week!
  • Beckym1205
    Beckym1205 Posts: 217 Member
    Great story. I enjoyed it and I like the message :)