Whats the most you ever weighed?



  • determinedhealthy
    determinedhealthy Posts: 199 Member
    235 but I was more like 250 I just didnt want to step on the scale. 5'5" at 22 years old.
  • Operation_Me
    Operation_Me Posts: 869 Member
    at least 288. I stopped weighing myself after a while.
  • monkeysmom2
    monkeysmom2 Posts: 2 Member
    200, in "regular days" but was higher during my second pregnancy (235)
  • rjb19
    rjb19 Posts: 4
    Not sure of the exact weight but in 2010 I was close to 250.
  • 204.

    On a 5'2" frame, that is not pretty.

    Even though I carry my weight very well, I knew that was bad. I remember saying if I ever hit 200 pounds I'd fall over and die. Interestingly, that never happened. I did fall over, but I didn't die. I just landed into a big batch of ice cream to console myself.
  • 230 at 5' 2" :/
  • ajalcazar
    ajalcazar Posts: 76 Member
    388....Last July when I was diagnosed with diabetes. Currently at 321 (as of my weigh in last Sunday). Hoping to show a lower number again on the scale tomorrow.
  • 283 at my highest and unfortunately was at my sisters wedding. I'm 255 now and 5'5"
  • 205
  • Verbalcody
    Verbalcody Posts: 24 Member
    Great topic. 245 when I was 21 ish.
  • 139.7kilos
  • gryhndmom
    gryhndmom Posts: 9 Member
    A very embarrasing 307 just a few days ago!
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    158 pounds - 71 kilograms. Now I am down to 140 pounds - 64 kilograms. Only 4 more kilograms to lose!
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    343 that I recorded, but I think I was almost at 350...
  • leah_8303
    leah_8303 Posts: 28 Member
    180 thats how much i weigh now
  • MariaAlbinaxoxo
    MariaAlbinaxoxo Posts: 290 Member
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    150lbs. I realize that doesn't sound like much, but I weighed that much from the 5th-8th grades. I'm now only standing about 5'4", so I was a few inches shorter then, and obviously just at the onset of puberty, meaning I was pretty much obese.

    I cut out soda and fried foods in the 8th grade and dropped to about 130, and sat between 130 and 140 until this summer when I got up to 145. I basically decided enough was enough at that point. I'm down to 126 now, which blows my mind because I literally haven't weighed this much since elementary school.
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    280 at 22 years old. I am now 259 and still losing.
  • brittanyla077
    brittanyla077 Posts: 79 Member
    Pregnant 150 not pregnant about 130 that was before I got pregnant with my now 11week old
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    230 back in high school.

    I started MFP at 220.