a hangover from sugar??

sirabe Posts: 294 Member
Ok I went out with my friends last night and we ate lot. but we finished the meal with a chocolate fondue. Mind you, I dont eat candy unless it is the occasional candy bar like snickers. I ate tons of chocolate. Too much chocolate!!

Take note: I just ate and drank lots of water ( 4 glasses with the meal) as well as the chocolate.

I woke up and felt like I had been drinking all night long. I had a hangover. I faintly remember someone mentioning how it is the sugar in alcohol that causes you to have a hangover. Which to me was like foreshadowing my morning the next day.

I woke up with a massive headache and sluggishness. OMG!! it was aweful!!

I was wondering has anyone else experienced a sugar hangover??


  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Actually it's the dehydration from the alcohol that causes the hangover. In my college days I could drink like a fish and not get a hangover b/c I had a glass of water between every alcoholic drink. I'm not proud of drinking like that, but it proved the point. Sugar can certainly cause headaches and sluggishness, though. Eat some protein, drink some water, and try to get moving slowly and you should feel better.

  • Pinwarp
    Pinwarp Posts: 9 Member
    I can understand this. After eating healthy and exercising, and limiting my sugar intake, I have found that I have developed a fairly low tolerance for junk food.

    As an example, I treated myself to a small blizzard from Dairy Queen. Ate the thing about an hour before bed...and I had shakes, sweats, and TERRIBLE dreams. Slept horribly, and woke up feeling exhausted and hung over.

    A few days ago, I made the horrible mistake of eating a Mcdonalds Cheesburger...just a single cheesburger, no fries. Horrible for me, I know...but i had a craving, and got it. Not only did it taste bland and cardboard like (its amazing how bad junk food tastes once you've switched to REAL food), but I felt terrible...again, had trouble sleeping that night. Upset stomach, sweats...Gut bomb indeed.

    Anyhow, I fully believe that Junk food (candy, sugar filled items, trans fat filled things, fast food etc) can have a noticiable, tangible effect on not just food, but sleep quality and energy.