I don't know if this is the right place for this lol

But ladies, do you usually gain weight around your period? I got on the scales two days ago (the day before I started my period) and it said I had gained 9 pounds since TUESDAY! I weighed on Thursday! OMG :(


  • phlower
    phlower Posts: 103
    This is very very common, and i guarantee it is not 9 pounds of fat, but more likely water retention. Drink plenty of water, watch your sodium and try to get in a couple of workouts, it should be gone quickly! :)
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 446 Member
    Usually a couple of pounds - not that many lol!! But its just water retention and should go straight away :smile:
  • Sabineslims
    Yes, I ALWAYS gain weight.

    I can't say I have ever gained 9pounds but 2-3 is normal for me.

    I typically know when it is coming because I get ravenous. I want to eat ALL THE THINGS in my house. I try to remind myself that it is just that time and try to simmer down with a piece of dark chocolate :)

    My bloat usually subsides after day 3 or so.
  • SeptemberHalloween
    Heh yeah, I get super bloated and put on a little weight, right before I start I get the SUPER MUNCHIES and that doesn't help too much, but by the end of it all, everything settles down back to normal, so I don't worry, I know it'll go back down to my normal weight.
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    Wow, I never noticed this but you're probably right!! And yet, another blessed aspect of menstration.... WHY!?!?!?!? *shakes fist* The next time a guy broaches the age old debate of whether it is harder to be a man or a woman.. I will submit this. For that, thank you.. :)
  • AdidasBikini
    AdidasBikini Posts: 9 Member
    Yes! Haha I usually gain about 3 pounds, and go all bloated and sluggish feeling.. I don't bother weighing if I'm on any more because I know that I'm going to have gained a few pounds due to water retention
  • littlemegzz
    littlemegzz Posts: 292 Member
    Probably. I just always want chocolate around then. I feel like I want it more since someone had said that most woman crave chocolate around then.
  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    I gain so much, oh my god. Horrific. Just drink a lot of water and watch what you eat :)
  • shlottelac
    shlottelac Posts: 41 Member
    It's really normal... the body stocks water before "consuming" it... I advice you not to waight yourself two days before and two days after the beginning of your period! ;)
  • Josh_Taylor
    Josh_Taylor Posts: 21 Member
    This is what happens when I browse mfp while buzzed...ahh not listening. Carry on ladies. You did not read this. ;)
  • thogston
    thogston Posts: 23 Member
    lol to josh, you never know what you may read when buzzed or curious! I am sure not what you were looking for ha ha! As far as to respond to the question originated, yes it just happen to me and it was like the other ladies said about the same for me. I was more like 3-4lbs. I freaked out but as stated above, good advice wait 2 days after to weigh yourself. I weigh everyday but noticed the difference 2 days after. I was right back to actually a pound less then originally before. Don't worry you will be back in no time!