Experiences with plantar fasciitis?



  • applejacks1552
    Wow, thanks for all the advice! There are many suggestions that I think I will have to try out. I agree, that it is a LONG process! Maybe I'm just getting impatient. It does seem a little better than it was 6 months ago and I'm managing to workout pretty well even with a little pain. I'm just glad to hear I'm not alone with this issue!
  • SharleenY
  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    I've been told it the average time to heal is 18 months.

    I don't know the exact number, but this seems in line with what I've heard; the usual range for complete healing seems to be anywhere from 6 months to 3 years. Fascia is one of those things that feels like forever to heal. Finding that out after dealing with it for months was SO helpful, because it told me that continuing problems didn't mean this was necessarily going to be chronic. It just meant I needed to be a little more patient and trust the process.

    I have a friend who got PF, and was 100% fine after resting it for a couple weeks*, but most people seem to end up dealing with it for a long time, and once it's gone it seems to want to flare up again. Mine was fairly gone, after 5 months of ebb-and-flow -- but I had a couple weeks of laziness, and doing too much walking in shoes, and it flared up again. A few days of the "protocol" and it's much better, but obviously, after 6-7 months, I still have to be mindful and proactive with it. There's no magic bullet. :)

    I have had a severe case of this in both feet for a year and I stopped working last September to be SAHM and now it is healing rather well.....the only cardio I am doing at the moment is stationery bike and walking. so it's been nearly 6 months for me and i am so afraid it will come back I am always sure to be careful with it. It has made it harder for me to lose weight, but once I can get on track without the pain I can lose weight and hopefully it will be better. I used heel cushions (Dr Scholls from Wal Mart) and never went without my running shoes on. I used to come home from work and just cry my feet hurt so bad I could barely walk inside my house. Not the case anymore. And the morning pain that was unbearable before seems to be going away. Sometimes if you have to work on your feet,etc it is hard to rest them, but I think that is really what they need. And for most of us here, less weight putting stress on them. If it goes away completely I will be in heaven!!!! I hope this helps someone.:flowerforyou: