Anyone else studying while trying to lose weight?

I am in my final year at university and am trying to loose weight. Just wondering how others who are studying at the same time find the time (and energy) to get out of the house and exercise. Also, how long and often do you exercise?


  • munchkinhugs
    munchkinhugs Posts: 278 Member
    Working and trying to lose weight/tone up at the same time. Fit in exercise whenever I can. Sometimes during lunch breaks, other times super early before, or really late after work. When I was at uni (and exercising), I was using on average, two sets of free periods (2+ hour blocks) to exercise (our uni had a gym). On days where I didn't feel like gymming, I'd make sure to walk up and down the campus stairs a few extra times :)

    Good luck with uni and your health goals!
  • WhyeatKachra
    WhyeatKachra Posts: 404 Member
    Working from home, studying side by side and loosing weight as well!
  • Grod6690

    Yep i am going into my second year of university this year and i am trying to loose weight to. I have been on MFP since oct 2011 and doing alright, but that was when I went holidays so I have had 3 months of concentrating on eating healthy and the odd walk!

    But in the last 3 weeks i have started running again, (to get fitter in time for netball try outs) and i have been lucky to be able to do this around 10 am after my bodies been up and working for a while. But by the end of feb I am back to uni so i need a new game plan!

    I am planning on running early afternoon (bc luckily my timetable gets me home around 3.30-4.30) i prefer to do it then rather than a bit later coz then i have time to do my work before my nightly tv specials :) haha.

    As for healthy eating, there will be only 2 days when i am at uni for lunch so i will either have to buy something healthy at uni or take a wrap or something. Also taking some fruit and some low cal / low fat muffins will keep me going.

    I hope this helps, i know i have rambled a bit, and probably not said anything useful, but i think its helpful to know that your not the only one in this situation. It is hard to manage your time, especially if you have part time work, but i think you just have to do what you can and be happy with that, not guilty that you havent done more. You can only do what you can!

    Feel free to add me :)

    Cheers G
  • jillomahony
    jillomahony Posts: 23 Member
    Working full time, 8 hours of language class on top of that....and heaps of work to do outside of work. I'm a first year teacher. I just make it a priority to run the three days a week I don't have class, right after I finish work. Then shower, and then do my additional work in the evening.
  • kaikoi47
    kaikoi47 Posts: 41 Member
    I am in my final year at university and am trying to loose weight. Just wondering how others who are studying at the same time find the time (and energy) to get out of the house and exercise. Also, how long and often do you exercise?

    OMG i've been wondering this swell :( i actually graduate in May and i want to get rid of the 50 pounds i gained when entering college. it hurt my feelings when someone came to me and said "you were a lot smaller freshman year."
  • MillysMission
    MillysMission Posts: 23 Member
    I am a Mum of two, and am working part time and studying. Because I am in the middle of exam study at the moment for the past week I have mainly been doing exercise late at night which is not ideal!
    I try and do at least an hour a day but then I may go for 3 days and not be able to fit any in. It's hard but I really badly want to lose these extra kilos for good so I am going to make it work. All the best to you!!! Feel free to add me :)
  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
    I work full time and am studying law part time. I exercise by cycling to and from work and uni (although I didn't cycle yesterday or today because of the SNOW IN LONDON!). During the week I do a morning bootcamp 3 days a week before work. Sometimes I go to the gym on my lunchbreak.
    Sometimes when I am revising I exercise the most because when I want to put off studying, I go for a run to procrastinate. Then at least I feel like I've done something productive, even if it isn't what I should be doing.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    I'm a mum of 3 girls aged 2, 7 and 12 and a full time uni student (very mature at 40), studying applied psychology (in SW Wales).
    I love uni and am lucky that I'm only in 3 days a week at the moment. I know next year that will change. So I have one day full to the brim along with commuting I don't do any exercise but the rest I manage fine and have up'd it recently. I've had to plan things at home, so have got myself a static bike, weights and the 30DS DVD this week and enjoying it all.

    There is a gym at Uni and my hope for next year is to join membership and then fit in the odd session in between classes. :) I considered it this year but wouldn't travel in on my days off so it wouldn't pay for itself

    Well done everyone! :)
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    My uni has a gym and I go there 3 times a week. I shop at Aldi, so I can afford to eat lots of lovely fresh veggies!
    I find an hour in the gym much more rewarding than an hour parked in front of the TV... It stops me getting so stressed at all my work and deadlines, and I've also become a lot more emotionally balanced.
    If there's a will, there's a way! Just remember to eat properly, keep your brain ticking!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Yup! But I am doing a Personal Training course so it kinda goes without saying ;)
    Also working part time.
  • Kali112
    Kali112 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm a final year law student, it's tough! But i figured in life there will always be obstacles, there will always be some excuse not to lose weight, so better to do it now than spend another year being fatter than you want to be. Last year I was really busy and got down to around 126lbs, i live in a house with 1 girl (who eats very healthily) and 2 boys (who don't). The most important thing is about being organised-as soon as i slip off track with my plan my brain gets fuzzy and i just want to run to tesco and buy chocolate! :(
  • njfitnessgirl
    I am a mother of two young kids and a full time student. I try to do my workouts when my two yr old is napping and my studying after they go to bed. Its hard to keep that balance but you do what you gotta do to make everything work.
  • WhyeatKachra
    WhyeatKachra Posts: 404 Member
    Working from home, studying side by side and loosing weight as well!

    I exercise 5 days a week avg. It's not a 'can I go to gym today/do I have time?'. Rather it's 'I have to go, anyhow. Even if I have half an hour at hand'