Eating at TGI Fridays need help.

Hi, I'm going out for a meal with a group of friends tomorrow to TGI Fridays & I have no idea what to eat.
I've found out the calories for a few things & they are way to high.
I was wondering if I could order from the kids menu or if anyone can recommend something for me? Preferably under £10 or a starter & main course in the two for £9.99 offer that doesn't go over 1200 cals.



  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    if you google "TGIF nutrition information" a document comes up with the nutrition information for their entire menu. Makes life so much easier! When I went I got a kid's chicken sandwich lol
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    They have something at most tgi fridays that is called the right portion right price menu. It has a few options that are low calorie just look for the indicator next to the menu items. But if you must pre plan then definitley check out the website for the nutritional information. But my best advice is to enjoy your meal out. Everyone needs a break from time to time. And this is a lifestyle not a diet for most. And life definitley has room for dessert or a drink or a meal that might be less than perfect. Because life and people are not perfect! So enjoy and remember you have the tools at your finger tips to do any damage control necessary! If you eat too many calories, work out a little harder or workout harder before you go so that you can earn the calories which ever makes you the most comfortable in the situation! I will def say stick to water during your meal because one thing you will find on TGIFS nutritional info is theri food is a sodium circus!!! But again ENJOY IT! :flowerforyou:
  • Dragon Chicken. Plus, there are a few other things on the menu that are marked as having fewer than 750 cals. 750 cals is not that great, but it makes me wonder how many cals are in the other entres!!
  • i usually get picky with restaurants. i'll order my favorite salad, tell them no croutons, no cheese, have the chicken cooked in no oil/butter and serve dressing on the side. i can honestly say, they've gotten it right 9 times out of 10. good luck! and like others have said... a little splurge is okay, just dont go for the gusto in one meal.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Thanks guys, the menu for Bath is very limited & I can't find the healthy section?
    I downloaded the nutritional info, it tells you everything about the ingredients but not the calories & stuff like that?
  • melcarroll
    melcarroll Posts: 26 Member
    I usually stick to sirloins at restaurants or grilled chicken. Friday's has a 6 oz sirloin that is 370 calories. Also, they have chicken skewers on the kids menu and the one here lets adults order off of it. The skewers are 310 calories. Both meals come with 2 sides. So, usually I get a salad with just vinegar, no oil, or a low fat balsalmic . And for the other side brocolli, which is 50 calories, or a fruit cup, which is 60 calories. Oh and the dragonfire chicken or salmon, which I think someone already recommended to you. I don't like fish so I get the chicken and it comes with a grilled chicken breast over jasmine rice with mandarin oranges and steamed brocolli. It is 670 calories. Hope you find something you like!!!
  • blazeybug87
    blazeybug87 Posts: 226 Member
    I'd say if you are looking to stick to the £9.99 menu then you won't find much 'healthy' - well except if you get the Wedge Salad hold the dressing and hold the blue cheese aka a wedge of lettuce.

    You have got me thinking now about what I am going to do in future as I am TGI obsessed!!!
  • Choose something on the menu that is not loaded with sauce/cheese/fried, etc. Then, just eat slowly, enjoying the conversation around the table, drink water between forkfuls of food, and eat a little bit of everything on your plate until your body is satisfied......and take home the rest or leave it. And, don't forget to log your meal.

    Even if you "went over" for the meal, you can still salvage the day and/or the week. Don't obsess about eating out. Continue to exercise and eat smart at other the long run, you will be fine.

    Now that I've been eating more "healthy," I don't desire the "bad" foods as much and can have a little bit of something "bad" now and then and still stay on plan.

  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I've decided to eat before I go & just have a diet coke.
    I looked up the nutritional info & there really isn't much on the menu for under £10 that is low cal.
    (what's on the menu depends on the restaurant location).
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I usually stick to sirloins at restaurants or grilled chicken. Friday's has a 6 oz sirloin that is 370 calories. Also, they have chicken skewers on the kids menu and the one here lets adults order off of it. The skewers are 310 calories. Both meals come with 2 sides. So, usually I get a salad with just vinegar, no oil, or a low fat balsalmic . And for the other side brocolli, which is 50 calories, or a fruit cup, which is 60 calories. Oh and the dragonfire chicken or salmon, which I think someone already recommended to you. I don't like fish so I get the chicken and it comes with a grilled chicken breast over jasmine rice with mandarin oranges and steamed brocolli. It is 670 calories. Hope you find something you like!!!

    The menu here doesn't have the dragonfire chicken & the grilled chicken costs £13.00!!!
  • wyldweazel
    wyldweazel Posts: 41 Member
    Bummer. The dragonfire chicken is excellent. Way to work around the problem. ;)
  • Balsamic Glazed Chicken Caesar Salad - 500 calories.