Do you always eat the calories you earn??

Yeah was wondering as when you put your exercise in your track exercise it gives you more calories you can eat,do you eat them lol x


  • I exercise quite a bit some days. I don't always eat what I have earned. I have a limit as to my calories and I don't go above that even if I have earned more through exercise. My husband and I go hiking and we have hiked up to 9 hours in a day...then I would go and eat this huge dinner because I figured I earned it, but it seems I always weighed more the next day. I have learned to put a cap on my calories, it's working for me.
  • I have an under-active thyroid, so I find that if I eat all of my exercise calories back then I don't lose weight. I always make sure I eat eat al least 1000 net calories though. Find what works for you :) Good luck!
  • 226Muriel
    226Muriel Posts: 138 Member


  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    I eat all of them when I'm hungry.... which is everyday lol.
    it's working for me!

    Sometimes when I exercise a LOT that day I'll have close to 3000 calories to eat... you betcha I eat them ;)
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    I'll usually eat some but not all. I find it hard to eat them all back.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    Yeah was wondering as when you put your exercise in your track exercise it gives you more calories you can eat,do you eat them lol x

    ~ Do the research ... your body needs fuel, in order to maintain muscle mass vs fat loss ... you have to be wise. The estimated calories on MFP are " slightly " exaggerated. Get an HRM or go to other sources to get more accurate burn numbers for your exercise. When dealing with true numbers ... you should be eating as close to that number as possible back.

    People will tell you no ... But I have learned that in the beginning you will lose quickly by not eating those calories back ... but it is not healthy and eventually you will hit a plateau that can be devastating. Save yourself the disappointment and start off on the right track !

    Best of luck ! :drinker:
  • jenapurr
    jenapurr Posts: 5 Member
    Yes and sometimes more ;(......
    I dont even them everytime though.
  • Never ever ever. They are not bonus calories. If you eat the calories you just burnt of what was the point of exercising? I am very strict- zero junk, never go over calories limit and exercise is a daily bonus not to be used.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Yeah was wondering as when you put your exercise in your track exercise it gives you more calories you can eat,do you eat them lol x

    ~ Do the research ... your body needs fuel, in order to maintain muscle mass vs fat loss ... you have to be wise. The estimated calories on MFP are " slightly " exaggerated. Get an HRM or go to other sources to get more accurate burn numbers for your exercise. When dealing with true numbers ... you should be eating as close to that number as possible back.

    People will tell you no ... But I have learned that in the beginning you will lose quickly by not eating those calories back ... but it is not healthy and eventually you will hit a plateau that can be devastating. Save yourself the disappointment and start off on the right track !

    Best of luck ! :drinker:

    ^^^What she said.^^^

    You don't have to eat all of them, but you should be getting ample calories and protein to retain muscle. Our bodies have a strange way of keeping themselves in steady state. If you starve your body, it will think that is the new norm and adjust your metabolism to match. You have to find the right amount of fuel to keep it stoked and using fat.
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    Yeah was wondering as when you put your exercise in your track exercise it gives you more calories you can eat,do you eat them lol x

  • Sophie983
    Sophie983 Posts: 119 Member
    Not all the time. Sometimes I burn around 1500 calories a day and I mostly exercise in the evening.
    If I eat a lot in the evening, it takes me ages to fall asleep.
  • ashtonalayna
    ashtonalayna Posts: 89 Member
    I have days where I eat almost all my calories back than some where I have trouble meeting my daily goal. I have found though that since I started eating at least some of the extra calories I have been losing more weight. It was hard at first because it felt like cheating but after 2 wks and not losing any weight I was desperate. Whatever works I guess!
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    Each and every single last one of them... It helped me lose the 40 pounds I gained after I had my babies and now I've maintained that weight for almost a year... thank god it works for me... I can't imagine not eating the 3000-4000 calories I burn a week!!! I guess it's different for everyone...
  • smittygirl
    smittygirl Posts: 36 Member
    Your body needs those calories to repair itself. I do think they overestimate on the calories so I always log less excercise than I actually do. You may not lose 10 lbs. in a week but that's a good thing because when that happens the body is also burning muscle and you defenatly don't want to lose your muscle!
  • tenax
    tenax Posts: 97



    what she said. i'll look at eating back when i'm at target weight. i do a cheat day every sunday too.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    My Endo has given me a guideline to follow.

    You may receive a flood of responses, yea or nay. Then you will also receive responses from die-hards that say YOU HAVE TO EAT THEM BACK! Then there are those who just dont...
  • I eat the extra calories only if I am really hungry, Otherwise, I try not too so the weight will come off quicker.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Never. I take them as a "freebie".
  • Do a search for "Eat Exercise Calories" and you will get literally 50 pages of answers. (I just searched it to be sure.) I eat mine back. I've lost 11 lbs in a month doing that.
  • I usually stay below my calory count. I try not to eat too many of my bonus calories, but when I go out or have company over, I am happy to have them and still not go over the limit!