Indian Food Calories


I haven't been on in awhile and I am trying to get back on track.

The Hubs is out of town so I went to our local Indian place and got carry-out. I had basmati rice, dal makhani, and curry chicken. I am having trouble finding calories for these. How do you normally enter carry out when you aren't really sure what is in it?



  • mirfan25
    Unfortunately unless the restaurant has nutritional info (check their website or give them a call) it's impossible to know exactly how many calories you ate..

    The best bet would be to search the database for similar items... or, use the ingredients (estimate) to build the recipe and count the calories... I know for the basmati rice you can find a pretty accurate calorie count if you measured the portion... the dal, you would have to take into account the lentils, cream, butter used etc, and the curries usually have a lot of oil..

    You won't get the exact count, but try to be as accurate as possible, it's difficult when you eat out which is why I try to stick to restaurants that have nutritional info as much as possible, except for the occasional treat or "cheat meal" :-)
  • GreekByMarriage
    GreekByMarriage Posts: 320 Member
    I only get carry out once every few weeks! So I just chalk it up to a "cheat meal" and not worry about it!
  • snaid
    snaid Posts: 3
    Best bet is to break down the ingrediants and do best effort to calcuate. Not sure if you checked this site but may prove useful, Good luck!