30 DS - ache..

porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
edited November 9 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all, started 30 DS yesterday and have aching thighs - this I don't mind but as it's a 30 day programme do I ignore general muscle ache and carry on? I'm assuming I do..and ignore the rest?


  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I carried on until my back started screaming...but I have prior back issues, so stopped. but, yes what you are feeling is normal. JM makes you use muscles you didn't know you had lol
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I was so sore after my first day of 30DS I took three days off before I could do the workout again. I hurt all over - like bethdris said - I hurt in muscles I didn't even know I had. I could barely move! LOL It gets better - you won't feel super sore all the way through. When you move to a new level, or push harder through a move, or use a heavier weight as you get stronger, you may get sore, but it shouldn't sideline you unless there's an injury.

    But if you're super sore, take a day of rest and let your muscles heal. Going for an easy walk can help with the sore legs.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Thanks both :smile:

    I'll go for it tonight - when youngest two are in bed.. thats the time I did it last night.

    I'm in Uni full day tomorrow so lack time and energy so figured this would be my day 'off' so pushing it tonight will help me justify that day off. :laugh:

    I am aching a little in other areas I must admit but it feels good! :happy:
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i pushed right through it!
  • sjv1966
    sjv1966 Posts: 121 Member
    I had a personal trainer for a little while and she said that if you are sore it is okay to still work out -- the only time its not okay to work out is if you are actually injured. So I say keep it up! I am starting the Shred tomorrow with a friend so I may need to take my own advice come Tuesday. :smile:
  • KeepGoingRhonda
    KeepGoingRhonda Posts: 527 Member
    I worked right through the pain! It did go away after a couple of days.
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Got to force your body to change...lol yes I'm quoting her! I'm 20 days in!
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    Push through the pain barrier - you can do it!! I did 15 days in a row and just had a day off having been away for the weekend but I back to D16 today.

    I found that I ache less as I get further along with it so I'm sure you'll notice a big difference in the next few days. Good luck with it!
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Thanks :smile:

    good luck sjv1996 - I really enjoyed it (in a strange way admittedly).. got a real sweat up but then I'm still 181lbs. Hoping it'll help me shift a few lbs as well as look more toned. :smile:
  • janegalt37
    janegalt37 Posts: 270 Member
    I know many ladies here that have pushed through it, skipping almost zero days, so I know it can be done. I'm using heavier weights on most of the moves and trying to build muscle faster instead of focusing on loosing fat first, so I find I need to skip some days. Two on, one off, for instance, because I can't even straighten my arms due to screaming biceps.
    I have found that one scoop of whey protein in one cup of 2% milk right before bed, and a very good night's sleep of at least 8 hours (of actual sleep, not dozing) makes a surprising difference.
    Oh, and do waaay more stretching than Jillian has you do at the end.
  • Seminole_puppy
    Seminole_puppy Posts: 48 Member
    I started Friday night but am taking two days off, once because I'm planning on doing it every other day, but it's turning into two because of the Superbowl. I'll start back Monday and do it every other day. Since I'm not used to using any weights at all, I'm resting my muscles between the training. My thirty days, then, will turn into sixty, but I'm okay with that. Right now, it hurts my stomach when I sneeze!
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Thanks so much :) I am hoping to build up the weights but no way was I ready for that! lol I figure I'll be doing this or similar for a while yet. lol I am doing other reps for muscle tone too. I was fine with the rowing lifts so think I'll up my weights for those, just keep it the same for the others - the rowing I think are tricep rather than bicep though.

    I had a look at some protein powder today - need to wait till pay day! lol I must confess I've got loads of slimfast in the cupboard, I know it's not the best but it was cheap and stops me from eating the wrong things sometimes. I looked at the levels of carbs etc for that against protein powder and was shocked! :( So need to switch sooner rather than later I think. Might try the half measure before bed though.
    My uni is on a welsh valley so lots of stairs to kill me tomorrow! lol

    Oh and will def stretch more - I did think that was brief last night.
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