Dissapointing--How long did it take before



  • Silverstar46
    Silverstar46 Posts: 187 Member
    I hit the 40lb mark today and FINALLY am a shirt size lower (soon to be a pant size as well, my dumb *kitten* is too big!) and today I wore my brand new shirt and a tight pair of dress slacks.

    NOT ONE WORD from over a hundred people that see me every week. I want to cry about it sometimes, but then I shrug and think, "When I'm skinny then they will HAVE to notice!" haaha
  • GettinMyLifeBck
    GettinMyLifeBck Posts: 201 Member
    I think it depends on your height and current weight. I am 6ft and my starting weight here was 390-398 and I lost about 45 pounds before people could notice. I know it is discouraging but keep in mind you are doing this for self not anyone else.
  • A lot of people, especially family, are cautious about any references to someone's weight. It can cause bad feelings, no matter how tactfully you bring up weight.

    It's not a bad thing. They are being respectful.

    Generally someone's weight is not considered safe, polite coversation.

    Yes, this.

    Just as (most) people don't find it appropriate to comment when someone has gained weight (well, aside from my grandmother), most won't comment when you've lost it... Congrats, though, on your weight loss to-date!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Some people really are just clueless and don't notice such things. I tend to be that way, unless they draw my attention to it. Too many people have commented on my weight loss following a major gain. It's all relative. Just focus on how good you feel, and those few that do take notice sooner than others!
    I find it takes about 30 pounds, on average, for most people to notice. But it also depends on how much you have to lose! You can feel disappointed, but don't get frustrated. It will come in time!
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    b/c sometimes your weight loss seems like alot to you, and it is, but others don't even notice until it's a substancial loss......even though it is to you......
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Maybe family and friends are a little wary because they are not sure how to word their compliments in order to avoid offending sometimes, but in the meantime, get your congrats from the mfp fam - CONGRATS on all of your hard work and droppin' it like it's hot - WOOT!!!:flowerforyou:
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    Oh baby, it took about 75 - 80 pounds before people really started to say something. The people that noticed early noticed, but for the majority of people it took a really long time, just remember your doing this for yourself and only for you. Peaple noticing is awesome, but carry on my friend, it will come. I remember at Christmas 2010, I was 40 pounds down and no one noticed, I went to the family Christmas thinking people were going to say something and I was so very hurt when they did not, but thats ok...keep pluggin away..it will come
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Someone noticed you were losing wieght?? I've lost both wieght & size & saw 2 aunts & uncles, 4 cousins, & some other people yesterday that I haven't seen since I've lost wieght, & not a one of them noticed, & if they did, didn't say anything. I've seen it on the scales & in the mirror, & a lot times, you're the most critical of yourself. I know I'm not doing it for them, but it would be nice if SOMEBODY else nothiced. Not even anyone I work with has said anything. What a bummer!!! In 2 1/2 months only one person has said anything. Well today is another day, I'm still on goal, & will continue to work on it untill I'm where I want to be regardless of anyone else. I feel better, healtier, have more energy, know I'm burning more calories b/c I'm building more mucsle all the time, everthing is better as you all know, but it would be nice if the people I'm closest to would notice too. Just would provide more motivation for me. Someday it will will happen I know............

    Honestly I could care less if anyone noticed... especially family.

    You just need to continue focusing on yourself and not set your mind up for stressful failure (cortisol) over people not seeing the loss on you..... its just not worth it.
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 748 Member
    I know what you mean! I'm kind of dealing with that too! I've only gone down one pant size, and a couple of ladies noticed, but I guess maybe I just haven't lost enough for the I want to notice to actually notice.
  • kelley4123
    kelley4123 Posts: 100 Member
    I think if someone sees you on a daily basis they are less likely to notice.
  • For me it took a little over a month, about 22 lbs and almost as many inches before anybody said anything, but I wear baggy clothes (because I can't afford new ones) and generally people dont see me without a sweatshirt on.
  • I have lost 21lbs at 5'1" and no one has noticed yet. A friend of mine is around my height and was at my starting weight (she has now lost over 100lbs), but she told me that 30lbs lost was her magic number!
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    Someone noticed you were losing wieght?? I've lost both wieght & size & saw 2 aunts & uncles, 4 cousins, & some other people yesterday that I haven't seen since I've lost wieght, & not a one of them noticed, & if they did, didn't say anything. I've seen it on the scales & in the mirror, & a lot times, you're the most critical of yourself. I know I'm not doing it for them, but it would be nice if SOMEBODY else nothiced. Not even anyone I work with has said anything. What a bummer!!! In 2 1/2 months only one person has said anything. Well today is another day, I'm still on goal, & will continue to work on it untill I'm where I want to be regardless of anyone else. I feel better, healtier, have more energy, know I'm burning more calories b/c I'm building more mucsle all the time, everthing is better as you all know, but it would be nice if the people I'm closest to would notice too. Just would provide more motivation for me. Someday it will will happen I know............
    my aunt and uncle both lost a ton of weight and i made a comment that they both look terrific, they both jumped all over me saying things like "what a prick, we were ugly and fat before?" so of course i said yes you were. which made it even more of a battle.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Don't feel bad, No one has noticed the weight I have lost since before starting MFP or even after. But once you reach your goal, if they didn't notice before they definitely will by then. Also weight is a sensitive issue for many people so many choose to ignore rather than comment. Good Luck to youand keep on going!

    This is exactly what I think. I mean unless you want MY dad who siad "how much weight have you lost now? Well you need to lose about 20 more". so I mean, if you WANT the kind of relatives who comment on your weight you can certainly have mine.
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    I also think it depends on where you are losing the weight. I lost 19 lbs and my face slimmed quite a bit. People noticed it more because people look at faces. Also, I agree with WHO saying something is important. The comments I got were from coworkers, not family, even though they know I am trying to lose weight.
  • cwgrl4u
    cwgrl4u Posts: 12 Member
    The decision to make great things happen within yourself! I made the choice to wake up at 4:00am, push play daily on my DVD player and change my diet. 90 days later, I was 23lbs lighter and 10 sizes smaller. The length of time to see results, is up to you and your attitude to make things happen. I did not have anyone supporting me of giving me motivation to do it, I just tired of being tired and out of shape!!!! Now I have a group of people that I coach and give support and motivation too. It is very important that you have that in your corner!!!!
  • Just2Jean
    Just2Jean Posts: 12 Member
    I read something just 3-4 days ago...It says it takes a person 1 week to notice a change, family and friends 4 weeks and everyone else 12 weeks to notice a difference (something like that) SO don't let it discourage you...THEY will notice..it will just take them longer :-) YOU notice and THAT is what is imptortant.
    I am guilty too. I told a girl at work last week... "You've lost weight...you look great!" she responded with "yep, 35 lbs so far" I was asking myself "how come I haven't noticed until now?" THAT has happened with several co-workers. I notice the change...but WAY after I should have. :-)
  • Just2Jean
    Just2Jean Posts: 12 Member
  • I lost 50 lbs and no one said anything to me. It was about a year later that someone told me my face looked thinner. I was crushed. That is NOT where I was hoping people would notice my weight loss. What I found out was that people were commenting about my weight with others around me because they did not want to imply to me that I was fat to start with. They did not want to hurt my feelings. LOL Keep up the good work. Remember, it is all about how you feel and now what others think.
  • the same thing has happened here, i've only lost 15lbs but i can see huge differences in myself! others, not so much, but thats okay! i know i am getting healthier and will be rocking my swimsuit this summer. :) just keep pushing ahead and losing pounds and inches. eventually they will notice and say something. :)