Up for a challenge?

Hi Everyone!

Holding other people accountable has helped me discipline myself to stay healthy and active. I am looking for people who will be logging daily to help hold each other accountable. Let me know if you are up for the challenge!


  • KaitiMoss
    KaitiMoss Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in girlfriend! I report to a nutritionist every week because I believe I will be more likely to eat healthy and exercise if I have to weigh in and tell a person whether or not if I have been doing good. What are you goals?
  • yherrera7
    yherrera7 Posts: 3 Member
    I agree. It helps to be held accountable at first and then it becomes habit. My goals are to just get to the next level: Look better, feel better and perform better. I will be doing the Warrior Dash and a 5K at the end of this 9 week Sparta Challenge that I am doing with my team so I want to be ready to rock it!
  • JulieH3art
    JulieH3art Posts: 293 Member
    I'm in. I'm doing this sort of in-secret from my friends because I don't want them getting all "blah blah blah, you shouldn't diet" - I know what I see and how I feel like.

    I'm thinking about signing up for a half marathon that's in 11 weeks. Want to lose about 5-7kg. I will definitely be logging in every day.

    What are your stats + goal weights? I'm 5'6'' and I weigh near to 60kg
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    I always log in, feel free to add me.

    I try to log all my naught days too =/
  • yherrera7
    yherrera7 Posts: 3 Member
    That is awesome that you will be doing a half marathon! I am 5'4'' and weigh 124 (I gained some weight over the past month by not being disciplined with my nutrition, work outs and supplements).

    My "goal" weight is around 115; however, I will know by how I look and feel about myself and not the number on the scale.
  • mywise
    mywise Posts: 43 Member
    I don't have much support around here... love to have accountability people. not sure on how to add people just yet. lol
  • KaitiMoss
    KaitiMoss Posts: 7 Member
    I am going on a hiking trip this summer with my Dad, brothers and hubby. It's not a huge one or anything just 2 days about 16 miles, but I know I need to be in shape for it still. Right now I am 5ft and weigh 110lbs, my body fat % is awful...I am at 24% My goals are to get my body fat % down to 20% and to weigh between 95-100lbs.