back problems

Hello everyone !! In total since I actually started my journey 6 weeks ago I have actually lost around 7inches and 8lbs. My only issue is I have a bad back, and sometimes the easiest of exercise kills me, any suggestions for me!!!


  • Candacesaulnier
    Hello :)

    I have a bad back as well. Some mornings im in so much pain my husband has to massage me just so I can get out of bed.

    I have been seeing a massage therapist once a month for the last few years which has helped alot. I still have a hard time with most exercise but the ones I find work the best are Yoga, Walking & Swimming.

    Swimming is the best as there is no preasure on my back at all but its an awesome total body work out.

    Hope this helps :)
  • KathieSwenson
    Hey I have back problems to. I do tkd. I had an l5 s1 fusion three years ago. The key is no twisting, no exercises that strain the back like stupa. Pushups are very easy to modify so that they dont strain. Core exercises are good. If you can strengthen the muscles around your ore it will help brace your back. The key is if it hurts don't do it. That came straight from my back surgeon three years ago. I modify a lot of exercises so that they don't strain.