Need some clarification

I'm at the higher end of my health weight range (currently 70kg) and I'm looking to lower my body fat by about a 1 kg per week. My job is sedentary, but I'm very active outside of work. This week I burned nearly 6000 calories through exercise and that's only going to increase over the next few weeks. My net daily calories is consistently less than 1200, sometime way, way, way less. I'd lose body fat faster if I consume most, if not all, of my exercise calories, correct?


  • Babushka_Dolly
    Babushka_Dolly Posts: 113 Member
    That is the theory, yes. :smile:
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    when in doubt, refer to this . . .
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I'm at the higher end of my health weight range (currently 70kg) and I'm looking to lower my body fat by about a 1 kg per week. My job is sedentary, but I'm very active outside of work. This week I burned nearly 6000 calories through exercise and that's only going to increase over the next few weeks. My net daily calories is consistently less than 1200, sometime way, way, way less. I'd lose body fat faster if I consume most, if not all, of my exercise calories, correct?
    In theory yes.
    MFP calculates our total daily calorie intake WITHOUT exercise to lose 1 pound or so per week.
    And after we log exercises, our daily calorie limit increases.
    Because MFP telling us to eat our exercise calories.
    Large deficits are unhealthy, because while you will lose weight, what's the quality of the weight loss?
    In many cases you'll lose lean body mass - MUSCLE - which LOWERS your metabolic rate, making weight loss harder.
    These crash diets work well for a season -- and sure enough, the pounds melt away. But when you eat so
    few calories, you train your metabolism to slow down. Once the diet is over, you have a body that burns calories
    more slowly -- and you gain weight.
    Be smart.
    Exercise well both cardio and resistance, and eat back the calories.
    The exercise will RAISE your metabolism and burn more fat at rest.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If you are already in the healthy weight range, then you will need to keep your deficit very small in order to lose fat and not muscle. 1 kg a week is not realistic at all.
  • neilco
    neilco Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks, guys. Will set myself on the right path now I know what I'm doing wrong.