Replacing Foods?

I gave up drinking soda back on January 2, 2012.

I have noticed now that I have an obsessive fixation with chocolate now. I don't normally eat chocolate, but ever since giving up the soda, I've wanted to eat chocolate.

I've upped my fruit intake to try to combat the chocolate fixation, thinking maybe it is just the sweetness I wanted.

Anyone else have any suggestions?


  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    eat some chocolate? i dunno - usually when im craving something i just have it, and make sure it fits into my goals for the day.
  • TheNakedHouseWife
    eat some chocolate? i dunno - usually when im craving something i just have it, and make sure it fits into my goals for the day.

    I do eat some chocolate...but it's almost a constant craving and I don't want to eat chocolate 24/7 as, that'd be slightly bad. haha.

    I just sort am trying to see if maybe it's all in my head that I want this or if the lack of soda displaced to somewhere else.
  • Suzannejl
    I gave up drinking soda back on January 2, 2012.
    thinking maybe it is just the sweetness I wanted.

    Anyone else have any suggestions?

    I did the same thing last March for lent, and found a great substitute: diet Lipton Green Tea. I like the citrus flavor but my kids like the berry flavors. I have not gone back!

    When ever I find myself craving a sweet I go grab a tea instead. Be care of those fruits, the sugar can add up! If you must have chocolate, and yesterday I did becuase TOM came to visit today, I had dark chocolate instead. It's better for you and less calories.
    But occasionally I just have what I want, like GS cookies came in today and had 4 thin mints. But another good way to limit that is to grab a couple on your way out the door, then you can't go back for more!
    good luck
  • BabyBoomKael
    BabyBoomKael Posts: 2 Member
    the same thing has happened to me, I find myself easily addicted to certain things, especially things that are high in sugar, like cookies, soda, cake ect. when I cut out one thing i usually end up craving something with a similar flavor or texture. Try replacing the soda with a zero calorie carbonated flavored water and see if that helps.
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    Well if you want chocolate, why not incorporate it into healthier foods?
    I have a really nice chocolate chip pumpkin protein muffin recipe if you'd like.
    Maybe dip a couple pieces of fruit in chocolate to eat along side un-chocolatey fruit.
    Also, here is a page about the foods you're craving = something your body is missing.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I'm a chocoholic. It's what landed me here. I can eat a bag in a sitting and daily too. So I'm having to monitor it now and make a comittment to cut it down. I allow myself no more than 2 pieces per day plus one chocolate flavored food. By this I mean things such as 1/2 serving of nutella on toast, hot chocolate, fudgecicle, etc. I build it into my daily intake. It is harder on some days than others but it is an addiction too.

    Another thread mentioned sprinkling cinnamon on foods to curb it somewhat. I may be skeptical as a diehard fan but I'm gonna try it.

    Even though it isnt my favorite, I'm opting for dark chocolate. That's a first I've been willing to do that.

    One article I read mentioned possibly a sign that you need to up your protein, though this is not true for everyone. My protein is low so it is worth a shot too.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    low cal hot cocoa
  • TheNakedHouseWife
    Thanks guys for al the great replies!

    I'm pretty good at pinpointing what my body is lacking when I start craving something, but the intense craving for chocolate after quitting soda really threw me for a loop. As I don't even really like chocolate.

    I think I will some of your suggestions and see if I can get myself away from the chocolate!
  • bloodguilt
    I gave up drinking soda back on January 2, 2012.

    I have noticed now that I have an obsessive fixation with chocolate now. I don't normally eat chocolate, but ever since giving up the soda, I've wanted to eat chocolate.

    I've upped my fruit intake to try to combat the chocolate fixation, thinking maybe it is just the sweetness I wanted.

    Anyone else have any suggestions?

    Good job because you finally gave up soda but why on earth did you replaced it with chocolates [another loads of calories]?
    If your goal is to lose some unwanted fats/weight you need to be honest and have a strong self discipline and determination.
    Upping your fruit intake wont fixed the loads of cals you get from chocolates and too much fruits [especially those with high GI] consumption will counter productive to your goal - to lose weight. Please google about proper weight loss and diet program. good luck!
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    Skinny Cow has some great chocolate snacks. Also power bars are also great!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Silk makes a light choc soymilk that I think is very good! You can't even tell it's soy. 90 calories, very chocolatey and 50% of your daily calcium too. Swiss miss makes a diet hot chocolate that only has 25 calories in it too.
  • decemberjewel
    I also gave up soda January 1st. If I want chocolate, I normally go for dark chocolate. Lately, if I eat a few bites of milk chocolate I begin to feel sick, but dark chocolate satisfies my cravings. And I add it to my calories for the day. If I deprive myself of it, I'll end up eating a whole bar instead of 5 blocks. :brokenheart:
  • zlem
    zlem Posts: 92
    I buy 85% cocoa dark chocolate and keep it in the freezer for when I get chocolate cravings, 1 square is just over 50 calories and it's so strong that I never eat more than 2 at once. And it's good for you!
  • yentess
    yentess Posts: 167 Member
    Well if you want chocolate, why not incorporate it into healthier foods?
    I have a really nice chocolate chip pumpkin protein muffin recipe if you'd like.
    Maybe dip a couple pieces of fruit in chocolate to eat along side un-chocolatey fruit.
    Also, here is a page about the foods you're craving = something your body is missing.

    Can you please share that recipe? I am always looking for yummy and healthy treats for my family and that sounds delicious!
  • mandisu
    mandisu Posts: 57 Member
    I loooove chocolate.

    When starting out I would limit myself to buying one chocolate item a week, now I have several go-to items that I can fit in that curb my chocolate cravings.

    Light Chocolate Soy Milk (90 calories per cup)
    Stonyfield Organic Chocolate Frozen Yogurt (100 calories per 1/2 cup)
    Stonyfield Chocolate Underground Yogurt (150 calories per cup)
  • mangojh2
    mangojh2 Posts: 175 Member
    Try peanut butter. It cures my sweet cravings!
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    Maybe it's the caffeine you are missing in the sodas that your body is wanting in the chocolate??? I know a lot of people may chastise me for saying this, but try drinking diet soda's??? Or possibly drink some coffee???
  • TheNakedHouseWife
    I gave up drinking soda back on January 2, 2012.

    I have noticed now that I have an obsessive fixation with chocolate now. I don't normally eat chocolate, but ever since giving up the soda, I've wanted to eat chocolate.

    I've upped my fruit intake to try to combat the chocolate fixation, thinking maybe it is just the sweetness I wanted.

    Anyone else have any suggestions?

    Good job because you finally gave up soda but why on earth did you replaced it with chocolates [another loads of calories]?
    If your goal is to lose some unwanted fats/weight you need to be honest and have a strong self discipline and determination.
    Upping your fruit intake wont fixed the loads of cals you get from chocolates and too much fruits [especially those with high GI] consumption will counter productive to your goal - to lose weight. Please google about proper weight loss and diet program. good luck!

    Please don't assume I have no idea what I'm doing. Because I do.

    And before you start assuming, why don't you try asking questions first. Or reading.

    I said I had a CRAVING for chocolate. I didn't say I eat it 24/7. I didn't say I even ate it once a day. I said it's what I'm craving.

    I also said I UPPED my fruit intake, as in, from rarely eating fruits to eating more fruits, but not going overboard. Thinking maybe it was just sweetness I wanted. Apples are sweet. Maybe I wanted an apple instead of a piece of chocolate? Gee, that sounds pretty good actually. And apples don't exactly make you gain weight unless you're eating them by the bucketful.

    So again, unless you're going to be helpful or oh say, ask nice questions first, please refrain from commenting like a jerk.

    I've successfully lost 30+ pounds before, pretty sure I know what I'm doing in general. I just didn't know if there might be a reason WHY I would be CRAVING chocolate once quitting soda.

    Get it? CRAVING. Not hoarding and binging on chocolate. Not eating chocolate 24/7. Just craving it.
  • TheNakedHouseWife
    Maybe it's the caffeine you are missing in the sodas that your body is wanting in the chocolate??? I know a lot of people may chastise me for saying this, but try drinking diet soda's??? Or possibly drink some coffee???

    I can't drink diet soda. The fake sugar in it gets to me. It might be the caffeine. I went from rarely drinking soda, to moving and drinking soda all the freaking time! And now back to not drinking it at all. So it very well could be! Before, I used to try to pick caffeine free sodas and then just started drinking w/e, so thanks for the input!