Losing Inches

Hello. Hello.

I have a bit of an odd thing that happened today. To start off, I do know that you lose weight differently on your body, but this just seems a little off to me.

I took my measurements November 1st 2011. I am 5'0. I weighed 127 lbs. Measurements were:
Bust: 34.5 Waist: 27.8 Hips :38.5

I know I am a few days late, but I finally bought an at home scale and so I took my measurements as well(yes i weighed and did measurements in the nude). I am still 5'0 of course and 126 lbs and the new measurements are:
Bust 34.5 Waste 28.0 and Hips 27

So I lost an inch and one half. I am excited about that, but shouldn't my waste have went down a little too? I actually gained .2 inches! Ugh. Could it just be I am bloated, or just the simple fact I lose weight oddly. It is so frustrating and definitely shows I need to become more dedicated in eating and working out. I am a bit embarrassed that I have only lost that much in 3 months.

Oh and by the way, my scale does body fat percentage and it said i was 30% fat! Well, thank you. Now I feel like a moo cow.


  • Frisky_CoastalNative
    Oh my gosh! Everyone's body looses differantly, especially women. Who know's what our bodies will do! We just have to keep working at it. You poor thing, I would have never bought your scale! From what I can see in your pic your the furtherest thing from a moo cow! Good luck and remember to breathe deep. :)
  • jr7648661
    One thing that has helped me in the stomach area is cutting down on salt and simple sugars. Salt seems to really add the "bloat" and the sugar well, it's just not good. I switched to real or you can use sea salt. Also eating raw will really help cut down excess weight in the tummy. Hope this helps and good luck. BTW, you look great!
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member
    First let me say Thank You, for the compliments and your advice. It does make me feel better. I just looked at the calendar and I am a few days away from my monthly. I am guessing that has part of the bigger waist. I am going to redo measurements in two weeks when I shouldn't be bloated from that. I have cut most of the salt due to eating with my
    Mom who is on a low sodium diet for health reasons. The sugars.. Well always a work in progress.

    Thanks again ladies!
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    I've lost 5 inches off my waist, in 16 pounds. :)