lunch ideas

hi just been introduced to my fitness pal, love love love it! started my program properly this week with a goal of 9kilos to lose. but my downfall is running out of lunch ideas! i work full time and only get half hour for lunch, so quick meals around 300 calorie markis what im looking for. im excited about the program and just hope to see reults soon! good luck to everyone! :-)


  • amandasue1107
    amandasue1107 Posts: 28 Member
    I would look at some lean cosine meals! They will be quick and usually around 300 calories!
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Make our own wraps with chicken and veggies
    salads with chicken
  • PeekABooGirl
    PeekABooGirl Posts: 218 Member
    Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice meals are an option - though they can have lots of sodium. But I eat those when I'm completely pressed for time.

    But my lunch of choice lately has been salads. Nice hearty salads. I buy the bags of premade mix (change it up with Spring Mix, Romaine Mix, etc). I get them at Trader Joes for $1.99 each. I keep sliced veggies ready to go in the fridge (red peppers, cucumbers, red onions, steamed green beans, whatever you like) I also buy the Tysons pre-cooked sliced grilled chicken from the freezer section. I put that all into a salad (it's quick since it's all pre-prepped) and top it with light dressing or sometimes just Seasoned Rice Vinegar and it's usually no more than 150cals. Depends on how much chicken I put on. Then, a few hours later, when I'm hungry again, I have either a protein bar or a Fiber One bar. About 140 calories but that'll tide me over again till dinner.
  • scotland82
    thank you theres some really great ideas there, not sure of some of the brands as im in australia? but il find equivelants and we do have lean cusine thank you so much :-)

    the other thing i wanted to ask re excersise is that my trainer has only set me daily workouts of 30mins of high intensity six days per week, but how will i lose weight if im consuming 1200 per day but the workouts are only burning 300 cals?
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    thank you theres some really great ideas there, not sure of some of the brands as im in australia? but il find equivelants and we do have lean cusine thank you so much :-)

    the other thing i wanted to ask re excersise is that my trainer has only set me daily workouts of 30mins of high intensity six days per week, but how will i lose weight if im consuming 1200 per day but the workouts are only burning 300 cals?

    If you start to plateau, try eating back some of those exercise calories..
  • stormfly
    Hey Guys, I am 5' 5" and weigh 65.5 - well did that was a week and half ago when I started to watch my food - sort of, anyway today I nearly died 63.7 - even my partner thought I looked thinner before I told him. So what have I done, well I still eat well home cooked mostly, but have cut out all the added stuff - make my own tomato bases for sauces have gone off all packaging, but the big thing is cut out my daily soft drink and cordial and flavoured water. What a difference the fructose (man made added) can make. So lunch. I work full time as well and do any of the following: Make extra a dinner the night before that can be brought to work for lunch, make a salad with lots of goodies, make a wholegrain bread sandwich with fruit, or use different daily toppings on the Rice Cruskets (watch out for the sugar component). I would also like to say that although I was a HUGE sugar consumer I now feel 100% more energy and on top of the world! Thought I would be having sugar depravation by now. Good luck everyone.
  • cooter2533
    Sandwich with 35 cal wheat bread, ham, cheese and mustard is my go to lunch, sometimes. Add pickles,
    Also tuna, miracle whip and pickle relish sandwich,
    110 cal thin bagels with ham and cheese, microwave it, quite yummy, ill eat some fruit or pretzels with the sandwiches

    Also I eat left overs from the dinners I cook the previous night a lot, soup or lean cuisines are other things I eat
  • dharju
    dharju Posts: 12
    I pre make 5 salads and put in baggies for each day and bring my dressing and leave at work super easy and I'm not tempted to go out. also bring and apple or fruit. and a babel cheese round or some cooked chicken breast for on the salad and a little v8 veg juice. mineral water is refreshing and more filling then reg water.
  • scotland82
    without sounding too dumb here but can i ask what you put in your salads? im a bit of a salad virgin! does the lettuce not go soggy?
  • tataliciousd89
    I'm not a big day time eater, but I bring apples and almond butter for lunch and a greek yogurt for a snack.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I'm at home, so my suggestions may not be super easy for you ...

    Quinoa ( pre cooked in chicken broth, black beans, peppers, onions, celery, carrots, sprinkled with a bit of balsamic vinegar )

    Turkey Vegetable Sloppy Joe ( ground turkey, peppers, onions, celery, bbq sauce, simmered down until thick )

    Deli Salad ( romaine lettuce, shredded cheese, deli turkey / salami, peppers, onions, carrots, mushrooms, black beans, beets, croutons )

    Tuna Salad ( Tuna, 1 tablespoon miracle whip, 1 squirt hot mustard, wrapped in lettuce, lots of protein! )
  • nallbaby10
    Tuna with lite mayo on whole wheat bread toasted with light cheese. high protien and yummy,
    salads are always good you can add chicken, or tuna or even crab meat to them for protien
    protien bars and or shakes if your running late I like special K not big on frozen meals they tend to have high sodium and are really heavy for middle of the day.
  • dharju
    dharju Posts: 12
    Not silly... I chop up spinach, lettuce, cucumber, red cabbage, sprout, carrots, broccoli, on Sunday night and make one big one for dinner and the rest I stack in plastic baggies, so it is not mixed up, this helps it from getting soggy, you can put tomatoes in but that tends to get mushy. and i bring the chicken in a separate container. and just leave a bottle of dressing at work. so in the bags I usually put lettuce on the bottom. just make sure it is all dry before you bag it up and it will be good.

  • mikajoanow
    mikajoanow Posts: 584 Member
    One of my favorite things to eat for lunch is Thai Kitchen Ginger rice noodle soup with a handful of shrimp and fresh spinach (and I like replace the regular oil for my own hot oil) Its very good.
  • kirstyg1980
    Soup, sandwich of tuna or ham and a yogurt or jelly for me, I also have a banana during the day and 100% fresh orange for breakfast with my porridge and make sure diner is packed with veg x