Hello Everyone

My name is Deb and I'm here looking for help. Meaning I need some serious motivation. Im 41 years old and I have to take control of my body, but there are just too many demotivating factors around me that cause me to just say "i'll do it tomorrow". I have all the tools here. I have a wii with the fitness board and a few fitness games. I have an ANT+ transmitter on my iPhone to get my heart rate and steps.....I JUST CANT GET IT GOING!! With being diabetic and having high blood pressure you would think this is a no brainer, but believe it or not, I think not having a true support system is what is missing. I have gained weight recently and that is depressing.

Please help! I need the number on the scale to go the other way!


  • Hi Deb. I'm new here, too (about a week). I'm diabetic as well. Luckily no insulin, just diet controlled. I'm sure we can help/motivate each other. Add me as a friend if you'd like.

  • Hi deb. I am about to be 40 and in kind of the same situation. I have tried to start this diet but I find it very hard to stick it with my busy life. We can do this.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    I say this to everyone, but hangout at the forums. When you start making friends, making posts, you feel almost a little bit required to log in everyday and keep it all going
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    you are on the right place ... thats the great start ... i have high cholesterol ..i am 34 and its not so great ... so now i am eating healthy and working out daily ... started with quit smoking and walking everyday ... doing this for last 32 days and i am feeling great ... you can do it too ... lots of help here ... good luck
  • puterchickfl
    puterchickfl Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you all for your replies. I joined MFP a while ago but didn't see the community. Wish I had tho. I get motivated but then after a week or so it just goes away. I just need help sticking with it for the long haul. I think my problem also is not seeing results, and after reading a few conversations here I need to understand that it takes time to see it.

    And others don't realize how good it feels to tell you what they see when you lose weight. I want to hear it. I want to stop taking blood pressure pills and stop taking insulin!
  • Fionab66
    Fionab66 Posts: 5 Member
    It is always in the back of your mind that you need to do something about your weight hey and to be honest I had never really tried too hard. I lost my precious Mum nearly 3 years ago aged 80 and last October I lost my fantastic Dad aged 80. I was shattered to lose both of them and knew how devestated I was and yet they had led the most amazing, wonderful, fulfilling lives and to be honest had lived to a good age and were relatively healthy up until the last months of their lives. What it made me realise like never before was that, they had died both at 80 and I was shattered and I am 45, what would my two darling children aged 27 & 8 feel if I left them earlier than I should have, and with some weight related health issues it could so easily happen. SO I started 2 weeks ago and have lost 5Kg I know it won't continue like that but I have to do it for me, my kids, my family and my maybe one day grandchildren. Thats my story anyway, I think you have to find that one thing that motivates you and it has taken the death of both my parents to see my motivation more clearly and hopefully have success.

    I try to remember that it took an awfully long time for the weight to accumulate on my body and it will take time for it to leave as well
  • Greetings Everyone! I finally found time to introduce myself! My name is Sheila and I'm on a mission to a healthier me this year! :laugh: