Bad skin from sweating?



  • ambivalence11
    ambivalence11 Posts: 93 Member
    Make my sugar scrub. I use it for my face and whole body and I can't tell you the last time I had a break out. And I was a zit farm before.

    Start with -
    1 cup white sugar (you can half it with salt if you like)

    Add -
    about a tablespoon of coconut oil warmed to a liquid if you have it, if not, just add a bit more olive oil
    about 1/2 a tablespoon cinnamon
    olive oil while stirring until sugar is moist and kind of clumpy, but not wet looking

    Then -
    stir in lemon juice until it is kinda runny

    it's great for your face and I really love it for my legs before shaving. And waaay cheaper than the stuff the stores sell and better for you since it's not full of chemicals and preservatives.
  • ambivalence11
    ambivalence11 Posts: 93 Member
    Oh, I forgot to mention that you should only make enough for about 1-2 weeks. Since it doesn't have preservatives it can "expire", though the lemon juice is acidic enough most bacteria wont grow for a while. I use it for my whole body and the recipe above lasts me about a week used daily.
  • moonbaby1o1
    moonbaby1o1 Posts: 10 Member
    I am a hair dresser, and in CA we learn everything about hair skin and nails. Always shower after working out, it will help keep your skin clear but the order in which you clean your body is also important. Wash your hair first, then your body and lastly your face. Cleansing your body in that order will also make sure that the pores that opened up during physical activity get all the other cleansing products and conditioners that you used earlier in your shower out of your facial pores so they don't get even more backed up with gunk. Also make sure to slough off those dead skin cells. Many break outs start with dead skin cells blocking the entrance of your pores. Also the idea of always using a clean towel is a must. Keep extra bacteria away from your face if you are having a problem with break outs cause it will only make it worse. I hope that helps. Everyone has had some great ideas :)