Living in Paris - Need Support!

I could really use some support from you guys :) I recently moved to Paris and I'm finding it very hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle here. I have such a sweet tooth, so I have been overdosing on all of the amazing desserts... not to mention the baguettes, cheese, and wine. While I was home in the states I started incorporating green smoothies into my diet and my skin had never looked better. I had more energy and felt great. Now, however, I do not have a food processor so I have stopped that healthy habit. Another problem I'm dealing with (or excuse, as you will) is that normally I stay on track by going to the gym or being active outdoors but it is so cold here right now and Paris gyms are unaffordable. I really want to get back in the 130s, where I feel my best and most confident. I would love any helpful tips. Thanks guys!


  • christinezappella
    christinezappella Posts: 34 Member
    Did you try reading french woman dont get fat? It's quite entertaining and has tons of really good ideas about how to eat in the city of lights (or anywhere) without putting on weight.
  • munkeyfunk
    munkeyfunk Posts: 141 Member
    I'd Love to live in Paris for a year, it'll be good haha, ad if you wish, I will try to motivate as best as i can :)
  • Amberchalon
    Amberchalon Posts: 207 Member
    Hi Taylor, I would love to help support and motivate you. I live in Dallas, but do travel periodically to the city of love! Let's keep in touch. I know how tough it can be in Paris if you have a sweet tooth. The great thing about Paris is that you will be walking a lot more than you're probably use to.
  • TaylorSieb
    TaylorSieb Posts: 2 Member
    Christine: I remember hearing about that book awhile ago but forgot about it until you reminded me. Thank you! I will definitely have to buy that one :)

    Amber: Thank you so much! That's very true about the walking. It's been so cold out lately though so I've been staying indoors a lot more than I'd like to. I can't wait for the weather to warm up because I fully intend to start a jogging routine; Luxembourg Gardens is very close and a lot of people go running there.
  • Oh, I remember my semester in Paris (years ago!) and all the temptations! Mille feuille were my weakness. Had to have one (or an eclair) almost every day.

    But I didn't gain any weight and looking back, I think this is why:
    1. I was 17 years old - that young metabolism helps!
    2. As Amber mentioned, WALKING. I walked everywhere. I lived in Neuilly, so there was a bit of a hike from the metro to where I was staying. The parks, the museums, climbing all the sights (Tour, ND, etc.). When I lived in the south (Pau), I had a bike and rode that everywhere. I had always played sports, but didn't do anything "athletic" in France, just used human power to get around as much as possible.
    3. A lot less snacking than I do here at home in the US. Meals, yes, but mostly no snacking (except those pastries). No grabbing a candy bar, no late night snacks, no fast food (okay, like once a month some McD fries). Basically, because the regular "meal" food was so good, I found a) I didn't eat a lot to feel satisfied, and b) I didn't want to eat "junk". Also, I lived with a family so ate with them (and in front of them) and didn't really have kitchen priviledges, and that really helped cut down on the snacking.

    I hope that doesn't sound like bragging, just trying to look back on what worked for me.

    So, I would suggest perhaps focussing on the quality of the food, which negates the need for quantity, limited "junk" snacking - but quality treats! 'cause c'mon, you're in Paris! - and human power.

  • dancerman
    dancerman Posts: 46 Member
    I live there a few months a year -

    it's hard....
    I agree with above - walk walk walk

    and always take the stairs!
    (even in the metro!)
  • I'm sooo jealous that you're living in Paris! I'm going there in May for the first time and I can't wait! Anyway, one thing I would suggest is getting some workout DVDs. I recently bought Turbo Jam and I absolutely LOVE it. I'm getting great results so far, I highly recommend it. I got the "Turbo Jam Maximum Results Kit" which includes 5 DVDs, a pair of weighted gloves, and a couple of other helpful tools and it was $75. That's just one suggestion, I know there are a ton of different programs out there so you would just have to find one that suits you. You don't need very much space to do these workouts and you don't have to spend money on going to the gym. Also, it's fine to indulge occasionally (I mean, you're in PARIS!), but maybe just limit yourself to having these things once a week? Lastly, I agree with the other posters who said to walk everywhere.. that'll help out big time. Good luck!
  • mali9292
    mali9292 Posts: 9 Member
    I lived in Europe most of my life and I can see where you're coming from about the intake of food. It's so good which makes it hard to resist. Everyone looks at the French and say "they're so thin. how do they do it?" It's not because they're smoking cigarettes and never eating, it's solely about the portions or the amount that they consume. Rather than the American dish filled with hash browns, green smothered in butter, biscuits, bacon, etc.. they eat SMALL portions. Yes, the food is a delicacy and one that I miss every day, but eat it slowly and in small portions. Rather than eating a whole baguette with a pound of cheese, eat 1/4 of the baguette with two slices of cheese? Clearly I am over exaggerating with the portions of the baguette and cheese, but it does help. The food will be there the next day and the next, it's not going anywhere, therefore you need to just go back to your style of healthy eating :) Bonne chance!!