I want to jog!

So I've been building my body up to jogging for a couple weeks now. I went for my walk tonight and after I got about a 1/2 mile down the road I started jogging... I got about 500-700 feet and couldn't take it anymore so I went back to walking. After I gained my breath back :laugh: I jogged a little more and didn't get very far before I had to start walking and catch my breath again. So I continued to walk, and I started getting light headed so I turned around and started walking back home. By the time I got up to my street I was feeling better again and so I started jogging and of course still didn't get that far so back to walking and catching my breath, feeling like I have to cough up so much crap outta my lungs.

My mind and my body want to keep jogging but my lungs keep screaming no at me. Its so frustrating! How long does it take after quitting to have your lungs love you again? I thought after 5 weeks I would be okay but I still feel like theres so much crap in my lungs still.

(This is more of a rant than anything)


  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    It does take time to work up to running, I've never done it but theres a lot of talk about the coach to 5k which is a training program you can find online that helps you turn from a walker into a runner I believe, good luck and don't give up on it! Running is great once you get the hang of it :happy: )

    ~Leash :heart:
  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    In January I started where you were and just completed a 5K last week and signed up for more races. If you keep with this, you will totally be running in 2 to 3 months. Keep at it. A lot of people love the Couch to 5K program and we have a runners section under the fitness area. They are an amazing group and we check in with each other everyday! Keep it up! Best of luck!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    hey, if you are new to jogging, try to go slow. you will still make great distance and burn loads of calories even though it may not feel like it. going too fast at first will burn you out and make you huff and puff, work your body into it, and go slow.
  • Wynnie
    Wynnie Posts: 225 Member
    Cheer up! It does get better. Last time I quit it was about 3 months before I stopped feeling "plegmy" (sorry 2B gross). And even w/o the cigs, running takes a build-up.
    But to really make your day - the best fat burning method is to do a combo of walk-run - just what you're doing... I usually walk 4 run 1 or walk 8 run 2. I shed pounds way faster that way than just plain running.
  • monteig
    monteig Posts: 65 Member
    I had a problem with coughing after I worked out and as it turns out, I had exercise-induced asthma!

    If your coughing keeps up, you might want to check with your doctor!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Couch to 5k running plan

    This plan will help you like no other. I was in the same boat - heck, I was the kid who lost his varsity letter because he flipped off a coach when he told me to run at practice.
    I ran a 5k last night, and I'm doing it again tomorrow morning.

    I had the coughing when I first started as well. So long as it isn't winter there, it's probably your lungs just getting used to it. If you start to run/jog regularly and it doesn't go away, I'd speak to a doctor.