Very New & Inexperienced

Hello fellow fitnesspal members!!! I am Kim and very much want to lose weight!!! I have no idea how to eat properly. This whloe system is interesting and I look forward to my journey. I will admit, that I am cluless in the areas of eating healthy, counting calories, proper exercise and so on. All I know at this point is...... I desire to eat better and live a healtheir life. I ask for the support,encouragement and tips f:happy: rom anyone in this community who is willing to assisit!!! Let the weight loss begin!!!! Does anyone have any advice on where to start once you have signed up??? I know it may sound crazy but all I know is what I eat. I am positive just from entering in my breakfast from today....... I need change ASAP!!!!! How do I determine what is ok and not ok for my meals based on my calorie counter? :happy:


  • DR10
    DR10 Posts: 6
    Good luck!! All I can say is that the first day you will probably go over your calories, but it gets better as you notice what not to eat or to make your portions smaller. It really works, I've lost 5 pounds so far!!
    Best wishes:bigsmile: