Who else is motivating themselves with a BIKINI???


Me!! We have our vacation to Atlantis in a little over 6 weeks. GAME ON! I've got my goal bikini picked out (a few actually), so it's time to turn the heat up. I think I'm going to add some sprints to my P90X workout to finally lean out. And a huge picture of Atlantis hangs up in my kitchen!!

If you have a goal bikini, SHARE IT! I want to see!

Here's mine!


  • SkinnyFranchini
    that is definitely one of my goals. I haven't felt comfortable in a bikini in years! I am going to the beach in June and would like to be bikini ready.

    I like your idea of having a bikini already picked out. I should do that and hang pictures as a reminder.

    Good luck, I know you can do it!
  • gone2facebookprint
    gone2facebookprint Posts: 154 Member
    I dont have a bikini but I do have a wedding that I want to be ready for.. does that count?
  • so_long_blubber
    so_long_blubber Posts: 16 Member

    It's currently hanging on the front of my wardrobe so I feel a kick every morning.
    I've not worn one in a lot if years so fingers crossed I feel good enough when June comes.
  • twentytwobecky
    twentytwobecky Posts: 35 Member

    We're going to Hawaii in April!!!! I will lean out, I will lean out, I will lean out.

    I think we might have a matching set of bikinis, but mine will be blue on my freshly spray tanned body!

  • nnapieralski
    nnapieralski Posts: 132 Member
    I am! Hence the profile pic. Look out Florida!!
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    I´m not, but it sounds like a good idea... :)
  • jillomahony
    jillomahony Posts: 23 Member
    Me!! I am going to Thailand for three weeks this summer....I want to feel good living in my bikini!
  • Kelsbellz
    Kelsbellz Posts: 142 Member
    Not a bikini but definitely a cute little suit is part of my motivation. I have it picked out already!
  • aduecker
    My motivation is to ATTRACT bikinis.......does that count? ;)
  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    My BF and I are going to Florida in July, so YES I very much want to be bikini-ready by then. None picked out yet, but I should definitely do that for extra motivation!
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    I dont have a bikini but I do have a wedding that I want to be ready for.. does that count?

    Seems to me that you could get a bikini and hang it up, and if you finally fit in that bikini, you´ll be sure to fit in that dress you want to wear to the wedding.... :) guaranteed
    That dog is cute!
  • Living4Liz2012
    me.....I have a cruise to the bahamas coming up in 2 months and I started instanty 2day....CAN'T WAIT...YAYAYAYAYAYAYAA:)
  • Spooney45
    Not a bikini but some shorts lol
  • BrownEyedGiRL928
    BrownEyedGiRL928 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm halfway to my goal - which obviously doesn't appear to be much in my tracker below, but my progress motivated me to buy a bikini from old navy... actually I ordered one pair of bottoms in Navy with White Polka Dots, and then I ordered the bikini halter top AND the tankini top in the same pattern... that way if I'm still not feeling confident enough to wear the bikini top, I can always swap to the tankini top option and still feel good.
  • lcchrt
    lcchrt Posts: 234 Member
    I am in this group Challenge http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/390--bikini-challenge-summer-2012 if you are interested! That bikini is adorable!
  • Jmbttnr2
    I AM! My husband and I are planning our 10th wedding anniversary. We want to go to Bora Bora, Tahiti, or somewhere similiar. Who wants to go to someplace like that and not be proud to wear a rockin 2 piece. I'm so ready!

    Add me!!!
  • Tara1090
    Tara1090 Posts: 199 Member
    Great bikini! I am motivating myself with the same thing - 38 days until my Puerto Vallarta vacation - its so far, yet SO CLOSE!!!!

    Good luck everyone!!!!!