Ghetto Fab Sausage and Crouton stir fry...

JasonSwetland Posts: 235 Member
Well, the Ghetto Fab kitchen has been closed for renovations that make it more ghetto fabier. But today it opened briefly for a lunch time treat that takes about ten minutes to make and you might even try out on your own.

I used two pans but you could go down to just one with a little creativity, but I'm trying to get my cast iron pans from Christmas broken in and properly seasoned so I am using the heck out of them.


1 Green pepper
1/4 red onion, medium
1 Roma tomato
1 Vegan field roast sausage (Carnivorous readers may use real meat)
2 slices 100% whole wheat bread
1 tablespoon coconut oil
2 cloves of garlic minced
Non Stick Coconut oil spray (or your fave-o-rite variety)
Now I use Cast iron pans and so I threw them both on the Ghetto Fab stove; replete with a fresh chip in its ceramic facade from a recent 'Banging the new cast-iron pan on the stove at the wrong angle" incident.

This resulted in a new look for the oven that makes it oh-so-ghetto-fabulous-er that I could probably blog all about that for the next three days.

But I wont.

Pan 1- gets the spray, Pan 2 gets the coconut oil. Both go on low heat in order to gradually warm up and avoid burning down the kitchen.

Safety Note: Do not burn down your kitchen... unless you want a new kitchen, at which point ... see below.

Prison Note: Do not admit to burning down your own kitchen for insurance purposes.

Cut the tomato and slice into thin slices, set aside.

Chop the pepper and onion into stir fry like slices. Throw them in Pan one with the non stick spray. As an option, sprinkle a bit of black pepper onto them when they first hit the pan.

Next Stack the two slices of bread on the cutting board. Take out your ginsu knife and slice, dice, and cut that bread into little crouton sized squares.

Don't forget to stir the pepper and onions, they're starting to burn!

Now take the garlic and sprinkle it evenly across the bottom of the pan of melted coconut butter. I do this because it lends the garlicky flavor to the oil. Let it kind of baste like this for a minute or two. But don't let it burn. Stir when necesary it will brown a little.

Stir the peppers and the onions again! Are you trying to burn down your kitchen? I knew it! Remember our little talk earlier? Ixnay on the urndbay!

Now throw the bread croutons into the pan with garlic and stir them often. They will soak up most of the coconut oil, but they will also toast in the pan. They will pick up most of the garlic too. As a substitute you can use garlic salt- which ups the sodium.

Next cut the sausage up into little chips (coin shaped slices) and add them to the pepper and onion mix which should be browning slightly. Stir often, until it starts to brown.

Once the Croutons look toasty and 'yummy to your tummy', scoop them out onto your plate. If there is oil still in the pan do not pour this on the plate. You do not need that stuff. Set that pan aside. Next scoop the pepper onion and sausage mix onto the croutons. Last dress it all nicely with the tomato slices to make it pretty.


Read more (the same) here


  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Sounds yummy Jason. Thanks for sharing. :smile:
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    I'm not a vegan, but am gaining an interest in it. Unfortunately, I live south of BFE so we aren't anywhere near stores that carry a lot of vegan foods. So granted, I could just eat a bunch of beans for protein which is what I am adding into my diet more and more. About to try quinoa (nope, never tried it). What I am curious about though is the sausage and things you are using. I would have to travel about 45 minutes to get anything like that, but wondering if it was hard to get used to eating it or if it was an easy transition. Any vegan proteins that you recommend more than others?

    Also noticed that your food diary is broken down into the different food types rather than meals. Would love to see what your actual meals look like for a day. :)
  • JasonSwetland
    JasonSwetland Posts: 235 Member
    The vegan brand field roast is a great meat substitute. The meat is grain based. Then their are boca vegan meats. They have crumbles which approximateground beef. I like them but they are high in sodium. You can make your owm TVP based crumbles amd reduce the sodium. They Also have a bunch of fake meat for hamburger chicken and stuff like that. Is also morningstar but most of the stuff has egg whites or cheese As an ingredient. Gardenburger brand is pretty good toe for key randy's good day don't just make a turkey in a crock of other stuff. Daiya cheese is really famous But it is only so tolerable after being Melted. Whole foods if you have 1 in your area has a lot of really good vegan Food alternatives. A really good soy alternative is tempah. It is basically beans compressed into a patty and they have other stuff in it like rice or seeds in it taste okay what is pan fried. People usually as the liquid smoke flavoring to it and then it kinda tastes like bacon not quite. I will send you a bunch of links for different vegan foods you can check out a lot of them you can buy online and have shipped your house. Don't forget to try the different alternatives to milk such a soya milk rice milk coconut milk ok milk all of that stuff it's all pretty delicious And I was really havye milk drinker before I went to you gon so I was surprised I like this stuff. Even if you don't go vegan you might m. nd you like the n
  • JasonSwetland
    JasonSwetland Posts: 235 Member
    Sorry about all the spelling mistakes my phone freaked out on me when I was dictating to it and the website doesn't like the android phones. If you check out my blog I have a bunch of recipes in there for Vegan foods for you to try and I can send you a bunch of links in a private message. Also byurself a vegan cookbook try a bunch of the stuff you do not have to go totally be vegan in order to try it out
  • BrendaSwetland
    BrendaSwetland Posts: 7 Member
    That sounds ghetto fabulous!! You make cooking sound fun. At least reading your recipes is fun. Great job babe!!
  • danner24
    you had me at ghetto fab...hahahah sounds good!