

I had a little trouble sticking to my diet this weekend, what do you guys do that helps stick to your diet during the weekends?

Looking forward to hearing your stories...


  • cwalters1540
    cwalters1540 Posts: 39 Member
    My weekly weigh-ins are on Mondays which is the only way I could force myself stay focused over the weekend. Pre-planning my food each morning also helps.
  • sent4rmabove
    Good idea @ cwalters - thanks for the tip
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    My weigh ins are usually done on Sunday so that helps me stay on track during the weekend. Also I try and treat my weekends the same as I do my work week. I usually get up the same time as if I were going to work and I still workout in the morning for my usual time. I try to eat the same foods that I do during the week. I also plan ahead so I know what I will be eating. I still eat every 3 or so hours making sure that I dont get too hungry.
  • sent4rmabove
    @ lwoods, I think that was my problem. I didn't plan ahead so while I was out running errands I skipped meals which later resulted in me not giving a you know who because I was just too darn hungry. Thanks for the tip!
  • Saezimmerman
    Saezimmerman Posts: 93 Member
    Weekends are tough and I have been having to "baby step" my way to not undoing all my progress on Saturdays and Sundays.

    In January, I just made a point to log everything without forcing myself to stick to my calorie goal. I found that just by logging and being honest with myself I did better.

    In February, my goal is earn my "cheat" days. I consider 3 workouts a week to be what I owe myself. Anything over that, earns me a "cheat" day. I can't wait to see how this works! :happy:
  • AnnInTexas
    AnnInTexas Posts: 75 Member
    I really went off the path yesterday (Super Bowl Sunday)... but I too have issues with staying on track on weekends.
    My husband and I usually run errands and end up grabbing lunch out somewhere - yuck!

  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    I generally don't stick to my calories on weekends. I heard it's good for your body to have a spike day, so that's what I do on saturdays, and I try to watch it on sundays, but I don't get too wrapped up in it.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Well I workout almost everyday and stay on my calories everyday BUT sunday..its my day to rest recover and enjoy
  • sent4rmabove
    @ saezimmerman, I was thinking of doing something similar. I don't like to call it a diet but eating healthy all the time can sometimes feels restricting and I don't know about everyone else but whenever I feel restricted I am more likely to cheat. Im thinking of earning a cheat meal not a day. Just one cheat meal however I have to earn it by doing my strength training 3 x a week and cardio 3 x a week too. Im optimistic =]
  • slrrese
    slrrese Posts: 180 Member
    I try to plan to make something healthy that I am looking forward to on Sundays. Yesterday I made a White bean Chicken Chili for dinner. I also try and give myself a BIG workout on Saturdays since I have the luxury of time to do the extra workout, where as on the weekdays I get up at 5am to exercise and have limited time to do extra.
  • khuckaby1
    I am glad you brought this topic up. I have the same problem on the weekends. I live in a college town so just about every weekend is either basketball, football or baseball and stadium food is the worst!! I am trying to allow myself 1 "cheat" meal a week on Friday nights so that I get to eat something I normally wouldn't. Nothing crazy just a little something extra. That usually satifies my cravings for the rest of the weekend.
  • dollienj
    I've been trying a "day off" (I personally don't prefer to call it a "cheat" day, but that's just me). So far, so good. I've enjoyed myself and still lost weight. I'm still at the beginning of this, but it's definitely doable.

    On my non-off weekend day, I try to find a new recipe or a food I haven't tried cooking with before. That keeps me interested in what I'm doing - especially if the meal's a success. I came into cooking later in the game (didn't really enjoy it until I hit my 30s), so I'm finding cooking to be fun.

    Hope that helps. :happy:

  • sent4rmabove
    Well I workout almost everyday and stay on my calories everyday BUT sunday..its my day to rest recover and enjoy

    I'm just curious - has it affected your weight loss? I'm assuming no beacuse you'd probably stop if it did.
  • Tia_N_Mac
    Tia_N_Mac Posts: 181 Member
    I stopped calling it a "cheat" day. If this is a lifestyle change, I'm not cheating. Its called a "treat" day!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Well I workout almost everyday and stay on my calories everyday BUT sunday..its my day to rest recover and enjoy

    I'm just curious - has it affected your weight loss? I'm assuming no beacuse you'd probably stop if it did.

    Well I started back on my journey alittle over 2 months ago and have lost 12 lbs. I have read in many places it is good to have a spike day because it keeps your body guessing and not getting used to it (plateau)
  • sent4rmabove
    Well I workout almost everyday and stay on my calories everyday BUT sunday..its my day to rest recover and enjoy

    I'm just curious - has it affected your weight loss? I'm assuming no beacuse you'd probably stop if it did.

    Well I started back on my journey alittle over 2 months ago and have lost 12 lbs. I have read in many places it is good to have a spike day because it keeps your body guessing and not getting used to it (plateau)

    Awesome, thank you for sharing... Im going to read more on spike days. =)
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    Well I workout almost everyday and stay on my calories everyday BUT sunday..its my day to rest recover and enjoy

    I'm just curious - has it affected your weight loss? I'm assuming no beacuse you'd probably stop if it did.

    Well I started back on my journey alittle over 2 months ago and have lost 12 lbs. I have read in many places it is good to have a spike day because it keeps your body guessing and not getting used to it (plateau)

    This is why I do it too. It keeps your body from getting into a routine! And I heard it also spikes your metabolism
  • joemomma3d
    Sometimes the 5 / 2 works well for people. 5 days of strict food plans and 2 days (weekends) of a more relaxed food plan. i take 1 day a week to relax on the food. As my favorite Dr.Oz says " everyone needs a Fat-urday"
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    I blow it nearly every weekend. I've lost 53 lbs.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    First, identify your triggers - for me, it's mostly boredom. So I try to stay busy and sort of plan out my days on the weekend. Saturday's usually my running around day so I know I need a good breakfast to keep me from getting hungry (dangerous when food shopping) and I'll also throw a protein bar in my purse in case I do get the munches. Sunday's less busy so that's usually when I go for a long walk or go to the gym. I also make little deals with myself like no snacks until I get the housework done.

    Having healthy snacks at home helps a lot. That way if you are reaching for something a little extra, you won't go completely off plan. I also sort of follow the 5/2 rule. As long as I've been really good Mon-Fri, I don't worry about going over my calories a little on the weekend.