UK girl coming from Slimming World looking for tips on trans

I'm a big Slimming World fan (lost a lot, then didn't have time to attend the sessions so stopped going and went back to my old decadent fun ways!).

My colleague recommended this and said it's a great way and it saves me the fiver every week. However I'm finding it hard already as I'm used to my syn free binging (masses of fruit, veg, big bowls of pasta) and feeling guilt free.

Already I'm annoyed at having to count the calories of grapes, my 1/2 cup of risotto is 500 calories (not that I use cups, I'm from the UK).

I think I'll see how I go for a week and if not then revert back to SW full time. Any tips from those who have transferred?

Thanks at least I'm motivated, just don't want to yo yo!



  • i think slimming world still promotes the binging culture, as you've used that word yourself, as a culture we've taught ourselves to eat far larger portion sizes than we need. I think something which helped me, is to embrace the feeling of hunger, it's a natural thing and it doesn't hurt, I've just eaten my lunch and still feel hungry, but it's ok, I'm enjoying it, it's a reminder that my body is starting to eat itself.

    I also dislike the SW term of syn's no food is a sin, all calories are equal, how you choose to use them is up to you.

    I find drinking a lot of fruit tea helps you to feel fuller, and gives that comforting feeling but at only 2 calories it's pretty much guilt free.
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    I think you'll be amazed how many calories there are in fruit! And that it's possible to give yourself a sugar rush on fruit alone...
    I understand where Slimming World is coming from, but I've watched my friend on SW eat huge platefuls for lunch, then wonder why she isn't losing weight the way she wants. Sure, it's mostly fruit and veg she's eating, but it's a LOT of fruit.

    It might be worth running the two ideas side by side for a while, to see how the figures work out. Then maybe swap some of that fruit for more protein, to help you feel fuller.

    Log everything! It will seem tedious at first, but eventually your favourites list will help you, especially if you eat the same portions regularly. Get a weighing scale to help with this, and look for entries that are in grams and not cups. I don't understand cups either!
  • RachCx
    RachCx Posts: 10

    I'm an ex slimming worlder and weight watchererererrr..... Anyway...

    I'm also baffled but the cups cos I mostly ony have mugs haha and in thinking a cup of rice and a mug are different :p

    Good luck, i do find myself a little more hungry on this than sw or ww but I'm sure it'll pass in time x
  • Hi!

    I'm an ex slimming worlder and weight watchererererrr..... Anyway...

    I'm also baffled but the cups cos I mostly ony have mugs haha and in thinking a cup of rice and a mug are different :p

    Good luck, i do find myself a little more hungry on this than sw or ww but I'm sure it'll pass in time x

    cups are an american measurement, have a quick look on google, i'm sure there will be a conversion table somewhere.
  • Thanks, I'm slowly coming around to it... I like the fact it encourages you to exercise to gain more allowable calories whereas SW didn't take exercise into account. Having studied nutrition it makes a lot more sense to me too. The iphone app is a nice touch too. Is there any way to access this forum through the app?
  • Alycyn1980
    Alycyn1980 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks, I'm slowly coming around to it... I like the fact it encourages you to exercise to gain more allowable calories whereas SW didn't take exercise into account. Having studied nutrition it makes a lot more sense to me too. The iphone app is a nice touch too. Is there any way to access this forum through the app?

    Forums at the moment cannot be accessed through the app. I find this a downside to the app as I am a member of a group but I have to log onto the net to take part in discussions. I have posted a comment to MFP re: this. Maybe more MFP followers need to put the request through.

    I used to do WW and ate limitless pasta - like huge bowls and it wasnt until I was on MFP that I realised I was almost eating my whole days calories in one sitting. It is all about portion control. You can buy measuring cups that allow for varying measurements - mine also give me mls for measuring liquid :smile:
  • SkyPixie
    SkyPixie Posts: 224
    i echo what the others have said I have done SW and WW and neither taught me how to control my portions which I think is the big secret to loosing weight, often its not what you eat but how much ...

    I found this US Cup measure on Amazon which is really useful as I dont tend to want to cook with a calculator in one hand lol !