anyone else get completely depressed when they see the scale



  • kikina
    kikina Posts: 57 Member

    i got real depressed a few weeks ago i was working out like crazy and gained weight!!

    so what i've learned from my mfp pals drink drink drink i drink half my weight in water and then add 8oz more for every 15 min workout.

    this has been key for me as the more i workred out the bigger and more bloated i felt.. i didn't feel i was getting any thinner but with all the water i wake up and i feel empty inside... i only weigh once a week only to figure out what works for my body still not sure about eatin gback the calories so i am trying one new thing at a time!

    hang in there as we get older this menopausal thing gets in the way BIG TIME!!
  • Frozenmango
    Frozenmango Posts: 207 Member
    I agree with those who say to get rid of the scale or only weigh as little as once a month. Pounds are such a fickle thing, and it's easy to become obsessed with numbers that can be affected by virtually anything and fluctuate as much as 10 lbs within a day! I had the same issue; the pounds weren't moving and it was depressing the heck out of me. Finally, I decided to put it away and keep up with the exercise and good eating, and I could feel and see the difference (my clothes fitting better, people commenting on my weight loss etc.) The scale will have to be dealt with eventually, but if it's getting you down right now, just leave it alone and keep doing what you need to do to keep yourself motivated!
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    this is why i stopped because it would literally ruin my day.
    but now i've gained weight so i'm not sure what advice to give - maybe switch to measurements?
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    None of us are here because our bodies look good.
    We're all FAT!
    Instead of getting depressed with every challenge, just keep your eyes focused on your goals.
    Aspire to peak fitness and just keep taking daily action that will move you closer to that goal.
    And if progress is stifled?
    We all have those kind of weeks. You can punch through if you remain always focused on your goals and set your expectations for a long, hard but rewarding process.

    If it were easy. America would not be such a nation of fatties.
    We can be different if we stay on track; you can do this.

    All Is Possible!
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    None of us are here because our bodies look good.
    We're all FAT!
    Instead of getting depressed with every challenge, just keep your eyes focused on your goals.
    Aspire to peak fitness and just keep taking daily action that will move you closer to that goal.
    And if progress is stifled?
    We all have those kind of weeks. You can punch through if you remain always focused on your goals and set your expectations for a long, hard but rewarding process.

    If it were easy. America would not be such a nation of fatties.
    We can be different if we stay on track; you can do this.

    All Is Possible!

    nope not all of us.
  • Tommyfuzz
    Tommyfuzz Posts: 6 Member
    I use the scale daily can be a bad thing...but i use it in an honest and positive manner...half pounds and weights below a pound can simply be fluids. If I gain..I look at what i did the day before and analyze what I may have done to cause an increase...and is it possibly muscle mass i put on...and if I had a bad meal or snack then I use the gain to motivate me to not eat badly the next day... most importantly ,I've learned lately... How do You you feel healthy....
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    None of us are here because our bodies look good.
    We're all FAT!
    Instead of getting depressed with every challenge, just keep your eyes focused on your goals.
    Aspire to peak fitness and just keep taking daily action that will move you closer to that goal.
    And if progress is stifled?
    We all have those kind of weeks. You can punch through if you remain always focused on your goals and set your expectations for a long, hard but rewarding process.

    If it were easy. America would not be such a nation of fatties.
    We can be different if we stay on track; you can do this.

    All Is Possible!

    Not ALL of us are here because we hate our bodies or are fat.

    I'm not fat and I don't hate my body.

    So, please.. don't speak for me, okay?
  • I actually stepped on the scaled tonite and got depressed too! I need to lose @ 30 lbs. This is the heaviest that I've ever been. I'm going to try to keep better track of my calories and figure this fitness pal out. Good luck to you!:smile: -Angela
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    You are worrying too much.
  • None of us are here because our bodies look good.
    We're all FAT!
    Instead of getting depressed with every challenge, just keep your eyes focused on your goals.
    Aspire to peak fitness and just keep taking daily action that will move you closer to that goal.
    And if progress is stifled?
    We all have those kind of weeks. You can punch through if you remain always focused on your goals and set your expectations for a long, hard but rewarding process.

    If it were easy. America would not be such a nation of fatties.
    We can be different if we stay on track; you can do this.

    All Is Possible!

    Not ALL of us are here because we hate our bodies or are fat.

    I'm not fat and I don't hate my body.

    So, please.. don't speak for me, okay?

    I didn't see anything in the post you quoted about hating one's body... at all. It's just frank talk. No, not everyone on MFP is here because they are overweight, but I appreciate this kind of straightforwardness. It is very hard, but attempting to take emotion out of the pure number on the scale, and just getting down to business and facing the situation at hand, really, really helps. It took me a loooong time to get around to that.

    But yes, I agree with most here, weigh once weekly, or just take measurements instead!! Good luck OP!! xo
  • Tommyfuzz
    Tommyfuzz Posts: 6 Member
    I am new to this fitnesspal.. but once i got it set up...I find it to be a great help in judging what I'm eating and where I need to improve... just a note...don't get too depressed if you go over your sugar intake or calorie is just a starndard to work from....good luck to you...since starting 7 weeks ago, and using fitness pal along the way....down 12 pounds ..the right way , and eating better