
rachi20024 Posts: 229 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
It has always been an issue for me to go out and exersize...anywhere. I even feel insecure doing it in front of my 5 year old daughter. I have always had this problem even when I was 120 pounds. I almost feel judged. Is this normal? How can I overcome this? I feel if I were to get over this insecurity I would exersize a lot more.


  • lynnie25
    lynnie25 Posts: 93
    look at it this way..your doing this for yourself who cares what others think..i used to be the same way..not anymore..i love being out there doing what is right for MYSELF...
  • DFoether
    DFoether Posts: 8
    I used to be the same way. The way I overcame it was by going to the gym super early in the morning with a couple of friends that I was comfortable around. That way I had the support of my friends and was able to slowly adjust to the idea of working out with other people around me.
    If you have trouble just working out in front of your 5 year-old, I would work on that first. Once you get comfortable with that, try working out with some friends at your or their house. It is really a fear of people judging you while you workout, but most people are just happy to see that you are trying to improve yourself.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    You just have to realize that most people at a gym aren't looking at you, they're more focused on what they're doing. And if someone is looking at you, flaunt it a little, give them a show. Have fun with it. :laugh:
  • jenniferscheller
    jenniferscheller Posts: 48 Member
    My daughter 3 yr old often is my partner in my workout. As I sweat and groan she dances and tries to do what they do on the tv. It is so funny to watch her, incorporate your LO in your excercise routine and you can feel silly together.:laugh:
  • fitnessperfection
    fitnessperfection Posts: 97 Member
    Most people are emabarrased because they think they aren't doing it "right." Often times if you hire a personal trainer to show you exactly what to do and how to do it you can move past it. Even if you just work out at home, knowing the right form and technique can help you feel more confident in knowing that what you are doing is right.

    Also, keep in mind that everybody shold be exercising. It is not just for overweight people. I have a couple of clients that struggled with coming to the gym because to them it was an admission of being overweight. It is a GREAT thing. And teaching your 5-year old daughter that will set a good example for her.
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    I was also always very embarrassed to exercise in front of everyone. About one year ago exactly I had reached 100 lbs lost & I was really struggling to lose any more. Now, I may have lost 100 lbs, but I'm still a "big girl". Somehow I managed to look at myself and take charge of my life. I started with a trainer for a couple sessions just to introduce me to the gym & learn how to properly use the machines. Since then I'm there every week with my headphones & cute gym clothes. I would tell you to invest in one gym outfit that makes you feel confident & really, once you get there, you'll notice that over half the people that are there & just like you! You just have to think of your goal & the reward of being healthy & looking good. I think that you'll notice once you get there that everyone is focussing on themselves & their routine, not you. Now when I walk in to the gym I think i have more confidence than anyone else there :laugh: . I love that even though I'm a big girl I'm still going longer and stronger than all the very petite cutesy girls who can barely last five minutes on the eliptical. I always leave drenched in sweat & with crazy hair, but that's the most rewarding feeling!

    Best of luck & keep us posted with how it goes!!
  • Rugbychick16
    Rugbychick16 Posts: 183 Member
    I used to feel like that too. My friend and I run first thing in the morning, and she really likes the fact that there isn't a lot of people out at that time. I've stopped caring if people judge me when they see me exercise, because I am out there for myself. I also know that there are a bundle of people who love and support me in my life that if someone is going to judge me, I don't need them around me. I'm out there for me, to better myself and be healthy, and that itself outweighs anything that someone I don't know thinks of me! :bigsmile:
  • I'm a Christian so I go to the bible for everything. II Corinthians 10:5 talks about "taking every thought captive". I think that may be your solution in this situation. Make a conscious decision as to what you will think about and what your focus will be. Bring an Mp3 player with music or even an audio book. Think about the exercise you're doing and how your muscles feel... how many reps you can do... your balance.. etc. Think about your goals, your kids. Take the time to think through your day, work out problems, and meditate. You can overcome this. There's no reason to feel judged. You don't stand or fall to anyone but yourself and God. It's not about anyone but you when you're in the gym. Good luck!
  • TheJackyl
    TheJackyl Posts: 88
    Had a conversation with a lady from work about this recently. She was telling me about looking good at the gym etc. It's the gym, you're not supposed to look good. Regardless of what you look like or your fitness level the fact that you are there getting something done is all that is important. Also, like anything in life everyone is new at something at some point, most people you see at the gym would more than likely be willing to help you out regarding some advice, technique, etc.

    Most important thing, the right mindset is this. You're going to the gym for YOU, and your opinion is the only one that matters.
  • roxie17
    roxie17 Posts: 71
    Try focusing on why you want to exercise for yourself, your health and doing it for your beautiful daughter. Exercising makes you healthier - you want to be healthy for yourself and your children.
  • Veron
    Veron Posts: 2
    I've been this way for years and can sympathize. Some things that I've done over the last two years to work out: I walk early in the morning just around my neighborhood. (This even took some getting used to.) I bought the Wii Fit which I have enjoyed for a straight year! I tracked my weight and did strength exercises on it. Eventually I got a very affordable, small, basic treadmill. In general I had to become very creative and self-motivating inside my house and make sure I didn't get distracted with answering the phone or doing laundry instead of working out, etc.

    When walking in the morning, I had panic attacks the first month or so whenever I passed someone in the neighborhood. Eventually, they became familiar faces and I didn't have so much anxiety. This may work for you at the gym. If you go with a gym partner or meet someone there, you may be more comfortable. Also bringing headphones helps and a magazine. This way you don't think people are talking about you (because you can't hear them) and you don't have to make eye-contact with anyone.

    There is nothing that says you have to exercise in public. :) Exercise videos, video games, home equipment are all effective and you save time and gas by not packing up and heading to a different location. :flowerforyou:
  • ToniAnn45
    ToniAnn45 Posts: 78 Member
    I've started going to the gym almost every day & I admire anyone for taking the initiative to become heathier by exercising & losing weight. I don't even think about what they look like, just that they are doing something. Why don't you buy/rent some videos to do at home or start walking. Leslie Sansone has a great "walking" video that I do when the weather is bad. Hang in there! Just suck it up & go!!!!:flowerforyou:
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