Starting Again .... Trying the 17 day diet

Hi all, this is my first post and I am hoping to find some friends for motivation..... :smile: I need it really. For a year I have been yo-yo-ing and I keep going up with my weight. Nothing seems to work for me then I get depressed and eat even more....
Any ways here I go again....
Any helpful hints or ideas, would be great! You could tell me what has worked for you...


  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Welcome to MFP :) Haven't heard of the 17 day diet..hopefully it's not one of those unhealthy extreme diets because that would contribute to more yo yoing, and you don't want that! So what's the diet like? I'm curious because my husband is always looking for something different to try. I keep trying to get him to count calories, but that's not his style lol
  • ShelbyBeck414
    Hey girl!!!
    Let go of the past...whatever did or didn't work....its gone.
    Instead, focus on the fact that you're HERE, you're giving it another try, and you WILL succeed!!! You deserve it!! :D
    Happy Monday!