Any ideas on decreasing hunger on a diet?

This is the first week of my diet and exercise plan. I am eating 1200 total calories after exercising 60 minutes daily x 7 days. However, I am afraid my hunger is going to sabotage me. I am eating 12 almonds 30 minutes before meals to help decrease hunger. Does anyone have any other ideas or foods that can help decrease hunger?


  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Eat foods high in protein and fiber. Drink a lot of water.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    A less aggressive diet would be more manageable. Also, low cal diets and excersize do not mix.
  • robinpickles
    robinpickles Posts: 78 Member
    Read about eating your exercise calories back.. that does the trick for me... it seems that it differs for everyone and their own bodies.. but it might help!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    You should also eat back 50-75% of your exercise calories at least. Also, setting a goal of 1 lb per week is better long term. Starving yourself will only cause failure.
  • monicajeske
    monicajeske Posts: 1 Member
    You should try to avoid foods with aspartame - I found that when I limited my intake of that my appitite decreased, at least I wasn't feeling hungary all the time. Stick with "diet" foods that are made with Splenda instead.
  • getfitnow33
    :flowerforyou: Hey Hun, I understand you totally! I went through the same thing in week and i still go through it from time to time. Its an everyday everyweek type thing. So it came down to a choice for me i had to really set my mind to doing this and what saved me was portion control. I eat every 2 hours and i incorparate a fruit, vege, or sum type of protein with each meal including snacks. For instance: for breakfast i may have an southwestern egg beaters omelette with a bunch of veges and i include a lean meat like turket and chop up a weight watchers string cheese into go in it(its so good). I have a piece of toast with almond butter along with it or fruit. It keeps me full til about my snack. For a snack i may have a low cal hummus with special k crisp chips, or grapes and a laughing cow cheese. This works for me i hope you do try it. Good luck!

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  • beccala18
    beccala18 Posts: 293 Member
    Try to increase your liquid consumption (and by this I mean water, tea, etc) which will help fill up your stomach while not adding a ton of calories to your day. Lots of leafy vegetables will also help, as it takes time for them to digest - keeping you full longer.

    If you are having a really hard time (since it looks like you just started), you can ease into the calorie cutting. Try setting yourself at 1 lb a week and get used to that amount of food, then move to 2 lbs when you can do that (if you want). Easing into it might help your stomach/brain get caught up to what you are doing.
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    Water and protein as mentioned before, bot help to keep you feeling fuller longer. I also do several small meals/snacks rather than just 2 or 3 big meals per day. That way I never go very long without eating, so I feel like I'm eating all day. I also give myself unlimited vegetables, and have never gone over my calorie allotment because of them.

    I always eat back my exercise calories. The body NEEDS those calories to keep the energy up and to prevent losing muscle instead of fat. I always drink a protein shake after a workout, and that helps too. Before I started drinking protein shakes, I felt deprived a lot because my new lifestyle no longer includes the sugar and carbs that it used to. Now I have 3 flavors of whey powder, and a bunch of recipes to make very tasty protein smoothies with a variety of delicious flavors. Every one feels like a treat now, but they are actually quite healthy.

    Another thing about eating back exercise calories is that whenever I really want to have a treat besides my protein shakes, I balance it by burning off the calories with a cardio workout. That way, I never feel like I "can't" have something. I CAN, provided I am willing to work for it.

    Good luck to you!
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    Quarter to half of the recommended dosage of GNC's multivitamin for woman works for me.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Increase protein, decrease sugar and refined carbs
  • jacrellin
    Eat Low calorie snacks. You can have a lot more and feel fuller. Take for example, the following foods are under 25 calories, Celery sticks, lettuce, cucumbers, mushrooms, green peppers, cauliflower, broccoli ect. Grab your favorite low cal dressing or a laughing cow cheese wedge and you have yourself a nice small snack. I have 3 snacks a day. Morning, afternoon and my after dinner snack is usually a sugar free fudgesicle or a “dessert” that is under 100 calories. You also want to remember if you are working out you are burning calories so your diet should be 1200 calories with working out, which means if you burn 300 calories in your workout you should actually consume 1500 calories, at least starting out, you don’t want to put your body in starvation mode, it will prevent you from losing anything. Also don’t worry about if you’re going to get hungry, if you’re hungry you’re hungry, it’s all about what you choose to eat. And again drink water with every snack and every meal, it really does help! Cheers! :happy:
  • Sondee531
    Eat Low calorie snacks. You can have a lot more and feel fuller. Take for example, the following foods are under 25 calories, Celery sticks, lettuce, cucumbers, mushrooms, green peppers, cauliflower, broccoli ect. Grab your favorite low cal dressing or a laughing cow cheese wedge and you have yourself a nice small snack. I have 3 snacks a day. Morning, afternoon and my after dinner snack is usually a sugar free fudgesicle or a “dessert” that is under 100 calories. You also want to remember if you are working out you are burning calories so your diet should be 1200 calories with working out, which means if you burn 300 calories in your workout you should actually consume 1500 calories, at least starting out, you don’t want to put your body in starvation mode, it will prevent you from losing anything. Also don’t worry about if you’re going to get hungry, if you’re hungry you’re hungry, it’s all about what you choose to eat. And again drink water with every snack and every meal, it really does help! Cheers! :happy:

    Thanks for the advice. Yeah, I need to start out slowly with my calorie restriction and not be compulsive:smile:
  • Sondee531
    Now I have 3 flavors of whey powder, and a bunch of recipes to make very tasty protein smoothies with a variety of delicious flavors. Every one feels like a treat now, but they are actually quite healthy.

    What is the brand/name/flavors of whey protein powder do you use?
  • Sondee531
    :flowerforyou: Hey Hun, I understand you totally! I went through the same thing in week and i still go through it from time to time. Its an everyday everyweek type thing. So it came down to a choice for me i had to really set my mind to doing this and what saved me was portion control. I eat every 2 hours and i incorparate a fruit, vege, or sum type of protein with each meal including snacks. For instance: for breakfast i may have an southwestern egg beaters omelette with a bunch of veges and i include a lean meat like turket and chop up a weight watchers string cheese into go in it(its so good). I have a piece of toast with almond butter along with it or fruit. It keeps me full til about my snack. For a snack i may have a low cal hummus with special k crisp chips, or grapes and a laughing cow cheese. This works for me i hope you do try it. Good luck!

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    Thanks getfitnow33 for the food ideas!