New Job, No Time?

So I'm starting a new job next week, it's a 9-5 Monday to Friday. I know it might sound stupid but I only have a part time job now and have lots of time to work out, I'm just really worried il feel like I have no time to work out :frown: And I don't want to let this slip! Oh and to add to this, I have a Saturday job also. Just wondering how most of you keep a good routine going around your work hours? Thanks in advance!! Xx


  • susanb573
    susanb573 Posts: 111 Member
    I wish I had an answer. I work one full and one part time job and I just throw exercise in when I can. With your schedule I would try to get up early and work out first thing in the morning.
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Well, if you eat at your BMR, you shouldn't gain weight even if you don't work out, so perhaps on days when you're not able to work out, just eat at the BMR, and as you settle into your new job, start to find time for exercising?
  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
    If you live a reasonable distance from your work, try to walk or cycle, even if only part of the way (today I walked 40 mins part of the way home then caught a train). If you like gym classes find ones that are before work, or during lunchtimes, or right after work. Talk walks or runs at lunchtime. And there is of course the weekends.
  • AngelJordan
    AngelJordan Posts: 46 Member
    I've got a similar problem coming up. I start study at polytech next Monday which is will be classes 8 til 5. I think i am going to get up at 6 to do a workout, like the 30DS and maybe another when i get home such as Billy Blanks or something. I just don't want to get too tired cause got to focus on that study!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I work from 8-5, with a one hour lunch. I also don't get home until 6 and have a new little baby as well. So I go to one of the city's rec centers during lunch (because ours has a cardio/weight room) and try to get a 20-30 minute workout then... Otherwise I try to get a 30-45 minute work out done after my little one goes to bed at 8 and then again on the weekends.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I work FT 8-5 and have two sons 2 years old and 5 months old. I get up 3 days a week early and workout before work. I am at the gym by 5:45am, workout an hour and shower and get ready there. It's become rountine for me now and I actually enjoy it!
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    Priorities. If working out is a priority, you'll find time.
    Just curious, what else are you doing with your time? You still have evenings, and early mornings to get your workout in. Bike or walk to work. Workout over your lunch hour. Find a gym closer to work/home etc etc etc. Lots of options!
  • slrrese
    slrrese Posts: 180 Member
    I work 8-5 and have about 30 min commute (on a good day) each way. I am fortunate that I have a workout room in my house and have for years- it is a priority for me. I get up at 5am every morning and bike for 20-30 minutes and then lift weights and stretch for about 20 min. When I get home, I either take the dogs on a fast 40 min walk, or do some other (fitness ball) exercise or walk on the treadmill if it is raining. Some days I just feel lazy after work or go out with friends and am ok with doing nothing because I got my exercise in that morning. I also try to eat well so I have the energy to do the things I want/need. I am finally back to doing this consistently after getting control of constant morning migraines and am really motivated to lose weight and get in shape again!!

    OH- and I try to do at least one BIG workout on one of my days off.
  • Stacey_c123
    Stacey_c123 Posts: 78 Member
    Oh wow thanks everyone! I think il definitely be getting up early, I've got to work hard to get results! And I do have the 30DS so I think il be using that more often now :happy:
  • theoneandonlybrookie
    You can do the early workout thing. It sucks for a few weeks and then you just get used to it.

    Good for you for committing to working out in spite of your schedule change! You'll be thankful down the road. :smile:
  • buckobuckobucko
    So far I just control my diet and have lost 33 lbs. So you can get there without exercise. I am going to start sit ups and push ups every morning though. Time to tone up some.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    If your new workplace is above the first floor, TAKE THE STAIRS. It really doesn't take any extra time. Won't be a full workout, but will strengthen you're legs and core. And by the end of Friday, you will have 25 minutes of stair climbing for the week. Up in the morning, down at lunch then back up for afternoon, down at end of day. Five minutes every day.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    So I'm starting a new job next week, it's a 9-5 Monday to Friday. I know it might sound stupid but I only have a part time job now and have lots of time to work out, I'm just really worried il feel like I have no time to work out :frown: And I don't want to let this slip! Oh and to add to this, I have a Saturday job also. Just wondering how most of you keep a good routine going around your work hours? Thanks in advance!! Xx

    I work graveyard 11pm-7am. during the work week I pack my gym bag and bring it with me to work. when I get off work I hit the Y. usually 8am. I work the weekends too and it's rarely busy at my work. I'll just come to work in workout clothes and I'll go outside @ 2am for a 30-45 mins fitness break. people call me crazy to be going out at night in the cold but that's what I do. it works for me.
  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    I work from 8-5, with a one hour lunch. I also don't get home until 6 and have a new little baby as well. So I go to one of the city's rec centers during lunch (because ours has a cardio/weight room) and try to get a 20-30 minute workout then... Otherwise I try to get a 30-45 minute work out done after my little one goes to bed at 8 and then again on the weekends.

    I also have a young family and find that working out at lunchtime or after my daughter is in bed works well
  • Myndi73
    Myndi73 Posts: 270
    I have to get up for work at 4:30 am. I usually dont get home until around 7pm, and thats if I go straight home, no errands. Which is almost never. It was imposible to find time to excercise. I now get up at 3:30am and do the 30 day shred and walk 20 minutes on my lunch break.

    My favorite quote:
    "If you want it, you find a way, if you don't, you find an excuse."
  • whitetiger011680
    whitetiger011680 Posts: 218 Member
    I work a rotating schedule 6am-6pm when I'm on days and 6pm-6am when I'm on nights and have a 6 year old and a 3 year old and as a single parent I have no one to leave them with sooooo I do what I can, when I can. That being a walk during my lunch hour and occasional zumba classes when I can get my parents to keep my kids.
    Just do what you can, when you can :)
  • crb1988
    crb1988 Posts: 134 Member
    I work 8:30-5 Monday through Saturday, with about 30 minutes for lunch. I know that sounds like a ton of working hours, but I have to work that much right now being the only one in my office...

    I get up and work out in the mornings anywhere from 30-60 minutes, every day except Sunday- that's the only day I have off so I try to sleep in.
  • alix1105
    I work mon-friday 8-5, help my boyfriend take care of his 2.5 year old son, been helping my dad and boyfriends brother who were recently in the hospital every single day (walking the dog, doing the dishes, prepping/serving dinner, laundry, etc.) annnddddd, i go to school. It's been tough but I find time to get a work out in too. The biggest things for me was one.) finding energy. and 2.) finding motivation after an extremely long day. 3.) getting a super good work out in because I have a desk job so I am sitting all day.

    So... my methods are:

    I take a B12 vitamin every day... It helps with natural energy and it isn't some crazy, non healthy steroid pill. B12 definitely helped boost my energy.. especially since I don't take a lot of vitamins in general. ( I have a hard time taking pills :( )

    I also work out RIGHT after work. If I don't do it then, then I'll never do it... I end up sitting around saying I'll work out in a little bit and then just end up not working out. so Working out right after work for a least 25-30 min is what I aim for..if I am super motivated, then I go for longer. depends on how tired I am...

    I looked up some tips for getting a work out in at my desk job too... A couple of awesome things were: Park far away, well, farther then your used to. it helps get that extra walk in. take the stairs, not the elevator. and try doing some sit ups or push ups every now and then at your desk :)

    hope this helps! Good luck!!! :)
  • dwtouch4
    I walk for half an hour during lunch break. I'll do a 45/60 minute workout with my kids or after they go to bed. You can find the time, I'm a single father and I manage it.
  • PeggysDad
    There's always time, it's just about priorities.

    I have a full time and a part time job, and still manage to fit in 2 workouts a day, the first at 6.30am and the second at around 6.30pm.