Let's begin again...I need motivation!

Let me start off by saying that I've learned the lesson that weight loss is not a goal but a lifestyle change. I am 37 years old and for most of my adult life as well as all of my childhood I was very much overweight. So after college, 15+ years ago, I worked hard and go in incredible shape. My bodyfat never got over 10% and my body weight hovered right around 200lbs. Then life happened. I got into a bad marriage and used that as an excuse to let myself go. I stopped working out and started eating crap. The result was my weight skyrocketing to 290lbs and my waist size growing from 34 to 44. OUCH!! So once I made up my mind to get my body back I made a plan and got back down to 210 lbs at around 9% bodyfat. Unfortunately there truly is no lifeguard at the gene pool, as I learned this past Thanksgiving. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas of 2011, I packed on a ridiculous 15lbs!!! I'm now back up to 223lbs with about 13% bodyfat which is heavier than I would like. RRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! So frustrating because I knew better and I ate all that crap anyway!!! Well now I'm having to work even harder to get back down to the 210 lbs I want to maintain. I was introduced to MFP by a friend of mine a couple of years ago but didn't stay with it. Now I'm back with the goal of tracking my food and water intake every day (including cheat days), and I'm hoping to get and give as much support and motivation as possible! It's great to be back! Let the games begin...


  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Motivation comes from looking at yourself in the mirror, naked. Or wanting to pick up hot women from bars.

    MFPeeps can only offer you support. knowledge (and/or misinformation) and entertainment. Motivation must come from within.

  • erino78
    erino78 Posts: 3 Member
    Great job getting back to it! I have stalled some with my weight loss and am looking for support and motivation as well so please add me if you need a buddy! I, like you, am trying to track everyday- even those horrible ones like yesterday where I ate about 2,000 over my calorie goal- yikes. But at least then I know why I gain or don't lose during the week- it's all right there.
    Congrats on all the progress you've made through the years!
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    sometimes after you fall off the horse (im in process of getting back on) you have to start back slowly but as long as you keep a goal set and keep information in front of you the motivation will come, just keep pushing
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    True...motivation does come from within. But I can be here to support you and cheer you on!
  • movert
    movert Posts: 12 Member
    You will do fine and I know that you have the will power and determination to pull it off. We all saw what you accomplished last year and you inspired a lot of others to kick it into high gear. We are all here to help push you and keep you in the right direction, I will be making midday checks on you to keep you focused as well.
  • tracikearns
    tracikearns Posts: 138 Member
    I feel like I am in that same boat weekly lol! I just weighed in this morning and have gained 2 lbs since Sat...how is that even possible?? Feel free to add me as a friend for support!