A Virtual Run in Memory of Sherry Arnold, 2.11.12

As a female runner this is a worst nighmare. I will be running that day in honor of her.



  • beach_chelle
    I will be joining in! I can't do it Saturday, but on my Friday run I sure will!!!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    As a female runner that often runs alone -- this has shaken me. How very tragic!
    I too will be running in her memory on Saturday!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    how awful :( it's always a fear that i push to the back of my mind when I step outside for a run. i hate that we have to fear doing something we love, it should be this way, but it is. so sad for Sherry and so sad for her family.