Weight gain since starting Insanity!

Arrrgh! Was very disappointed this morning on the scale. After nearly a month of eating good and 2 weeks, 6x / week of Insanity, and the damn scale said I gained 3 lbs. Talk about a kick in the self esteem area! I mean WTF?!?! If I wanted to gain weight, I sure as hell wouldn't do these Insanity workouts and be so critical of what I eat. Last Monday I had dropped 4 lbs from the previous weigh in and this Monday picked up 3!

I'm going to let it ride for now, but I swear to God if I gain more weight come next Monday, I'm using those Insanity discs as clay pigeons and going on a little trap shoot!


  • hartint
    I am also doing Insanity. Just started last week. That is discouraging, your results. I would be frustrated also because the workouts are TOUGH. Please keep us updated on your results. I wont weight until end of this week. Of course I keep thinking there is no way I shouldnt lose but sure your are thinking same thing.
  • roberts1013
    roberts1013 Posts: 103 Member
    did you take your measurments? if so have they at least gone down? there is more to this process than just the number on the scale!! keep it up!
  • beautyreaps
    It's temporary. Your body composition changes over the course of your weight loss journey. Ride it out, the results will come. Also, be sure to drink lots of water, especially before, during and after your Insanity workouts. Good luck.
  • cms6300
    cms6300 Posts: 163
    most gain a couple of pounds the first 2-3 weeks (myself included.) Don't worry about it - keep pushing play.
  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    Ive been doing Insanity for 6 weeks now and although i also throw in P90X, I have lost 12 lbs and I credit a ton of that to Insanity. Have you been watching the calories? Maybe you've added muscle and that's made the scale go up some. I've also found that drinking over 64 oz of water a day helps to flush out everything. Just a suggestion. I wouldnt toss the Insanity tapes just yet, give it a few more weeks.
  • katiefuller
    I too am doing insanity, I just completed my second fit test, scale is not moving and I have been eating very well. I did do a quick check on my ,measurements and I am down 3 inches on my waist. Don't be discouraged!!!!! My brother in law has dropped 12 pounds so far, he just started his second month.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Yeah, been there done that. It wasn't until week 3 that my weight started coming down. Keep digging!
  • hofficoffi
    hofficoffi Posts: 88 Member
    Its like any hardworkout hun, everytime i've done the shred the first two weeks I plateau or even gain, cos im sore my muscles are retaining a lot of water and then after that the scales come down again. Ignore the scales for a few weeks, just use your measuring tape and see how much you're progressing in the fit tests.
    Don't get disheartened, just keep going you'll get there. xxxx
  • monst76
    Damn Brother that sucks, keep with the workout and im sure results will follow. Might just be the building of new muscle, I'd say keep with it.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I had the same disappointing result with P90X. I work out like crazy 6 times a week for a month, I ate exactly as described, except the first 3 days, and I gained 3 lb in the first 4 weeks. At the first week, I said myself, I didn't ate that well always, hence is the gain. The second week I said, it is just the start, it will come off, on the 3rd week I started to concerned, and after the 4th week I was like WTF??? It was not a weight fluctuation due to water or what not, but actually a slow and steady weight gain on a diet/exercise plan that supposed to make you lose 1.5 -2 lb per week based on calorie deficit.

    Because of the disappointment ,I started to be less diligent with the workouts on week 5. I dropped the cardio , but kept the 3 x a week weight training, and I dropped 2 lb in a week. For the 6th week, I had some crazy stuff going on at home, and I was only did one P90X weight training session, plus 1 TRX training at the gym and I dropped 3 lb in a week.

    Now I just feel stupid for working so hard for weight gain. I am definitely not going to get back to work my *kitten* of 6 times a week, when it is clearly not working for me. I 'll do what I have done before and worked: 45-60 minutes weight training 2-3 times a week and that is it. No more 75 minutes weight training sessions or 60 minute cardio that I feel like I die at the end.

    I think these extreme workouts may work for many people, but definitely not for everyone.
  • HotKanye
    HotKanye Posts: 103 Member
    I find with insanity I work so hard with the HIIT that I end up taking too many breaks so what I do is do the Insanity warm-up and then switch to another workout like Turbo Jam. Then at the end of that I go back and do a bit more insanity. I get a 60-70 minute workout instead of a 45 and I burn more calories switching it up as I go.
  • scubahsteve69
    scubahsteve69 Posts: 37 Member
    Ok...well everyone's comments are a little more encouraging knowing that it may be typical for some to gain a little before losing. I'm pretty good with my calories typically keeping a couple 2-3 hundred or more calories in deficit, and drink anywhere from 6-10 cups of water a day. Unfortunately, I didn't take any tape measurements when I first started this journey. I should probably go ahead and measure up and see if in a couple weeks they change.

    I certainly appreciate your comments & encouragement!
  • Prefessa
    Buy yourself a cheap pair if calipers and measure BOTH your weight and % Bodyfat, then calculate your LBM and Your Fat Mass....if your fat mass went down and LBM went up....celibrate!! Thats exactly what you want! LBM is live tissue that burns calories....the more you have the better chance you have of beeing lean.
  • scubahsteve69
    scubahsteve69 Posts: 37 Member
    Bought myself a pair of calipers and a tape last night off ebay, so as soon as it comes in I'm going to calculate my LBM. Never done that before so it may be interesting what it is and if I can change it for the better. Is it best to calculate weekly, monthly or just whenever?
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    It's water retention!
    Every time we start a new workout/training program, the muscles get sore and have to retain water in order to repair themselves.
    Be patient. It could take a few weeks until your body adjusts. Keep in mind that your not gaining fat.
  • onek9lover
    What's insanity? Lol.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    It's water retention!
    Every time we start a new workout/training program, the muscles get sore and have to retain water in order to repair themselves.
    Be patient. It could take a few weeks until your body adjusts. Keep in mind that your not gaining fat.

    Let's hear it for the voice of reason! :happy:
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Based on your food diary, it appears you really aren't eating enough. These programs requires you to eat a ton of calories. I am doing p90x2 and I eat 3000 calories a day. I am 200 lbs and 12% body fat and I am thinking that might not be enough calories. I would seriously try to figure out your BMR and TDEE to figure out if you are under eating.
  • nelnova
    nelnova Posts: 57 Member
    I learned if You Push yourself while doing those DVD's all the way to the max, your body will change and the weight loss will be there. Just make sure you weight yourself the same time you did from ur last weigh in.... b/c 3-5lbs of weight gain could really just be water....I'd Worry about 6-7lbs...lol
  • ingfit
    ingfit Posts: 180 Member
    I had the same disappointing result with P90X. I work out like crazy 6 times a week for a month, I ate exactly as described, except the first 3 days, and I gained 3 lb in the first 4 weeks. At the first week, I said myself, I didn't ate that well always, hence is the gain. The second week I said, it is just the start, it will come off, on the 3rd week I started to concerned, and after the 4th week I was like WTF??? It was not a weight fluctuation due to water or what not, but actually a slow and steady weight gain on a diet/exercise plan that supposed to make you lose 1.5 -2 lb per week based on calorie deficit.

    Because of the disappointment ,I started to be less diligent with the workouts on week 5. I dropped the cardio , but kept the 3 x a week weight training, and I dropped 2 lb in a week. For the 6th week, I had some crazy stuff going on at home, and I was only did one P90X weight training session, plus 1 TRX training at the gym and I dropped 3 lb in a week.

    Now I just feel stupid for working so hard for weight gain. I am definitely not going to get back to work my *kitten* of 6 times a week, when it is clearly not working for me. I 'll do what I have done before and worked: 45-60 minutes weight training 2-3 times a week and that is it. No more 75 minutes weight training sessions or 60 minute cardio that I feel like I die at the end.

    I think these extreme workouts may work for many people, but definitely not for everyone.

    I agree, these programs may be too much, or workout overload for some people. I have done both P90X (9 weeks) and Insanity (7 weeks), then Insanity/P90X Hybrid (4 weeks) . My weight would go up and down the same 5 lbs. I finally just switched to Insanity 3X a week with rest days between and 1 weekend full body routine. I truely believe, for me (maybe not for everyone), that I was working out too high intensity and not enough rest days combined with inadequate calories. Since cutting down the workouts from 6 days to 4 days and eating my TDEE - 500 = 1800 cals per day, I am consistantly losing 1 lb a week. My body is thanking me now, and I have tons more energy and less soreness to really push it hard on workout days.