Fridge Water

I thought that I would throw this out there to see if anyone had or is having the same problem as I am. We have a refridgerator that has the ice and water dispenser in the door. A couple of weeks ago our water started to taste funny. We installed a new filter but I can still taste and smell the "chemical" ( for the lack of a better description) in our water. I have bled the filter twice and have thrown out two batches of ice. My tap water doesn't taste anything like the water that comes from our fridge. I e mailed the company and I was referred to the frequently asked questions and how to fix a problem on their site. The site said to change the water filter, which didn't solve the problem. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions on how to fix our nasty tasting water ? Thanks


  • crb1988
    crb1988 Posts: 134 Member
    There could be some gunk or mineral build-up in the supply lines going to the fridge, or in the dispenser itself.
  • Eeanz
    Eeanz Posts: 9
    Do I need to call a repairman to fix that?
  • amayzingamanda
    amayzingamanda Posts: 254 Member
    How old is the refrigerator? And do you have hard water?
    They could both be possible reasons... If you have hard water, the mineral deposits may have built up in the tubing that the water has to flow through and it may just need to be cleaned. This happened to my parents a while back with their old (and i mean old like 15 or so years old) refrigerator.
  • Eeanz
    Eeanz Posts: 9
    I believe we bought it in August of 2011. We do have hard water.We used the copper tubing from the old fridge that we had .Have to see if changing the copper tubing will help. Thanks so much for the suggestions!
  • crb1988
    crb1988 Posts: 134 Member
    You can buy replacement tubing from your local hardware store. I would try replacing it and see what happens.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Did you buy it new? It is probably under warranty. Or at least the store should offer to come help.
  • Eeanz
    Eeanz Posts: 9
    I will have to hit up Lowes tommorrow after I get off work and buy new tubing to see if that helps, If that doesnt help I will call someone to look at it. The fridge was purchased new so It is still under warranty. I don't think the tubing to the fridge would be covered under the warranty, so I will try replacing that first to save a service call just incase. I will have to let you guys know if that solves the problem.:smile: