BODYPUMP Newbie, advice needed...

Hi, hoping someone can help me here...

I am fairly fit and regularly attend BODYCOMBAT classes at my gym, tonight I am going to do a PUMP class beforehand and as I have never done one before I need some advice on barbell weight.

I am 5'7" and weight 159lbs, what is the best weight to start with, especially taking into account I want to have a good solid hour of cardio afterwards too.

Thanks in advance guys...


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Tell the instructor its your first time - they will keep you right with suggestions for weights.

    In our gym yellows are 1.25 kg, greens are 2.5, and oranges 5kg.

    You'll start with a warm-up weight - this will be the lightest you lift during the whole class, so don't go to heavy on this one. I'd recommend a green on each end to begin with, but if that's too much, switch to a yellow instead.

    The class usually goes from the largest to smallest weights, so the first main track will be squats,and that will be the heaviest you lift. If you're feeling up for it, go for an orange each side.

    Drop the weight back down again for back and chest, and down to the smallest weights for the arms and shoulders.

    If the gym's not packed out, and there are plenty of weights and bars available, have a second one set up with a lighter weight so that you can switch quickly if the weight you've chosen proves to be too heavy. But a certain gym etiquette prevails - don't hog all the weights if they're in short supply!

    And have fun!
  • helenrachel123
    helenrachel123 Posts: 22 Member
    I am new to body pump and have noticed that since I have started doing it I have actually gained weight has this happened to anyone else, how many times a week would you recommend doing it for it to have an effect?
    Any advice would be appreciated.
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    Don't over do it. I did and am now stuck at home with a frozen shoulder. Start small and work your way up. ANY twinges, go down in weight. I LOVE Pump but I totally ruined it for myself ;o(

    Make sure your positions are right - check out the info on the website x
  • chachalita8
    chachalita8 Posts: 36 Member

    Read that!! It tells why your weight goes up when you start, it was very helpful for me because I was wondering the same :)
  • kirstyg1980
    Tell the instructor its your first time, start of with light weights and work your way up

    it's all about technique not how much you can lift
  • timea_84
    timea_84 Posts: 38 Member
    Yes tell your instructor it's your first time, they will advise you to stay light if you're under 5 class. You shouldn't go up with your weight until you have your techniques down. If the room has a mirror I recommend you stand near it so you can check your form throughout the class. My personal tips are, keep your abs braced to protect your back, keep your back straight, and when you are doing lunges don't lean forward (skip the weight until you're comfortable). Have fun it's an awesome class!!
  • WannabeSexyBexy
    Thanks guys, I'll get there early and speak to the instructor, I'll update you all tomorrow to how I get on :)
  • mjstallworth
    mjstallworth Posts: 29 Member
    I actually just ordered the new Body PUMP DVDs from Beachbody and am waiting for them to arrive. So stoked, can't wait!
  • helenrachel123
    helenrachel123 Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you for responding to my post that was a very interesting article did you find that your weight went back down again after a few weeks? The article was enlightening as I was trying to justify the weight gain by just simply thinking that muscle weighed more than fat, I am going to start body pump again this week.
  • WorkingonmeAliG
    WorkingonmeAliG Posts: 19 Member
    Just a little FYI. muscle and fat weigh the same. A pound is a pound is a pound; however, the mass is different. muscle is about 1/3 the size of fat. One really cool thing is, the more muscle you have, the more calories you are burning. I have the same problem with weight gain when I first start my workouts so I increase my water intake. Just make sure you are being completely honest with yourself about your calorie intake. I love my LES MILLS PUMP!
  • WannabeSexyBexy
    Well I lived to tell the tale, and really enjoyed it too, thanks again for all your comments :)
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I am a powerlifter, have a world record in the bench, and this class still kicked my azz!

    Start with the lightest weight, have a few extras sitting nearby to add if you'd like! I was doing such light weight, I felt like a noob but it ended up overworking my shoulder and deep down in the joint it hurt for a week! I am not kidding! This class will kick your butt at some point! The bench part was easy for me though ha ha!
  • azjlmar123
    azjlmar123 Posts: 39 Member
    i just ordered the beachbody version as well. i cant wait to give it a try! good luck on your class - im sure you will get it figured out quickly and people usually love to help out at the gym
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    Just a little FYI. muscle and fat weigh the same. A pound is a pound is a pound

    I never 'get' this.
    That's like saying an Elephant isn't heavier than feathers, well its not if you have a ton of feathers and a ton Elephant. But it is...
    Am I missing something?

    BTW I love Pump, so glad you enjoyed it! :smile:
  • WannabeSexyBexy
    Just a little FYI. muscle and fat weigh the same. A pound is a pound is a pound

    I never 'get' this.
    That's like saying an Elephant isn't heavier than feathers, well its not if you have a ton of feathers and a ton Elephant. But it is...
    Am I missing something?

    BTW I love Pump, so glad you enjoyed it! :smile:

    Read this, it might help

    Basically, because your body will always burn the excess fat first, you will reduce in size, but then when you are thinner and want to tone up or gain strength etc, you can't always take the scales as your only measure.
  • helenrachel123
    helenrachel123 Posts: 22 Member
    many thanks to the comments coach alison and wanna be sexy have made as they are very useful, am so pleased a friend recommended MFP to me as it is proving very useful, I hardly drink any water so maybe this is something that I need to do also the article was interesting to show just how much you need to eat to gain weight and MFP keeps telling me I am undereating so deffo not having more than 3500 cals per day. Am going to start body pump again this week after 2 weeks of not doing it and see what happens, would you recommend doing it about twice a week or three times would you say not to do it on consectutive days?
  • mjstallworth
    mjstallworth Posts: 29 Member
    I got my Les Mills Body Pump DVDs and did the first one. Not sure how to log it since MFP wants me to tell how many reps, etc. :ohwell:
  • mjstallworth
    mjstallworth Posts: 29 Member
    Ok, I just finished my first week of LMP. I definitely feel it all over! But I also feel so much stronger in general. I run on my non-lifting days. I found it too difficult to try to log here on MFP, so I'm using another site, but just recording my weekly weigh-in here.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I've not been able to get to the gym lately (husband in hospital), but I did manage to sneak a Pump class on Thursday - boy my legs have been aching ever since! I used to swear by chocolate milk afterwards for muscle repair, must get some more little cartons.