Yo Yo diet man here

Just started here I'm a yo yo dieter, lost weight many times just to gain it back but I have never tracked what I ate and counted calories. Really I just didnt eat much and lost weight so maybe this time things will be different. My wife and I both just started on here today so wish us luck. Thanks


  • Pleahy2012
    Hey yo yo man, Welcome to MFP. My name is Patsy and I am a yo yo dieter too. I have been on this site for 4 weeks now.andI have lost 3 kgs. This is a very easy plan to follow as long as you log on every day. I live in Airlie Beach QLD AUS and my partner is also dietng (not on MFP) but he is a great support for me. I am in no great hurry this time around. Previously, when l have dieted there has been a goal of some kind tthat keeps me on track then, once the even or occasion has passed l put the wieght straight back on
    :-( This time no holidays planned or weddings to attend,l just time to get the weight off slowly and hopefully train myself to eat sensibly and miantain a heal;thy weight !! Good Luck to you and your partner yo yo manl XXX
  • Whitetail24
    Whitetail24 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for the reply Patsy and good luck to you and your partner. I'm Wayne and my wife is Connie, we to are taking it slowly and hope to train ourselfs to keep the weight off. It seems like it's to different struggles, getting it off then keeping it off.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    <-- Former yo yo'er here too (hopefully reformed, but who knows for sure?) Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    Hello Wayne and welcome! You and your wife feel free to friend me. My husband is also on here too:bigsmile:
  • joehoward
    MFP will definitly help you count calories, good luck!
  • andier1686
    I can say i'm a yoyo dieter too... i eat a lot... then i stop and go diet... then eat a lot again...
    gain weight.. lose weight... nothing seems right.. but so far MFP is helping me little by little... the sad part though i don't record the food i eat on days that i know i eat a log hahaha... i know i'm cheating but i make sure i get back on track for my diet days w/c are during workdays.

    but that should not be any problem to you and we... we should always get back on track and continue to stick with it even if we're cheating!

    Good luck for all of us!
  • Pleahy2012
    Hi Wayne and Connie, Sorry it has taken so long to reply. i hope you guys are not finding the program to hard....................after all you can tailor it to suit yourself.haha!! I have lost a couple more pounds since we last spoke last and am felling fabulous! I am not in any hurry this time and have decided that maybe that WAS my problem in the past - Setting goals............. For instance l would set a goal for a particular occasion (usually a holiday) and whilste on my holiday all sensible eating went down the drain and bad eating habbits returned once l was home. So hard to get back on track once you topple from your wagon..............and so the yo yo starts again,,,,Doh! Well NO goals this time, i have changed my train of thought and am just going to plod along and train myself into ALWAYS being accountable. I love food but l am changing the amounts l eat and noit depriving myself of anything!! So far so good. Well good luck to you guys. Please email me, would love to keep in touch for encouragement and support...............Patsy XX