Hard work should equal success right?

I have been working really hard for the past month and a half and have lost not even ten pounds. Most of that was in the first couple weeks. Last week I lost not even a pound and I worked out six days a week, and ate every well, with the exception of one day. I don't understand how I can eat healthy and exercise and not lose anything. In theory I should be losing almost two pounds a week.

I would be happy with one pound a week.

I try my hardest to eat to my calorie limit (1200 Cal) with fruits and veggies, lean meats, and whole grain breads. I do a variety of work out videos, and when the weather permits I take my dog for long walks.

I will admit that i will "cheat" now and then. This past weekend has been heavy with not so good foods, but I tried to portion everything, so it wasn't so bad. I chose healthier options when eating out, like Chicken and Turkey instead of beef. I would get steamed veggies instead of french fries.

I'm hoping this week, something will shift. I'm trying to make myself get my daily water in.

If anyone has any tips, or advice on how to push past this, I would love it. I would really like people's opinions on what i can change or do more of.


  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Take pictures, take measurements and read this: http://www.healthdiscovery.net/articles/scale_lies.htm
  • EbonyK
    EbonyK Posts: 92
    I was talking about this same thing with my friend this morning. We were saying how when we stay focus and eat right and exercise nothing happens! I am in the same boat as you. Yes, I have cheated a few times but not that much to not lose weight at the rate of exercises I have been doing. I even burn 1000 plus calories on everyday Sat. morning training for the half-marathon(walking/running 8-10miles!) and I still won't lose. It's crazy. I have not cheated for a week now and I am still at the same weight. I am just going to keep with it and I hope something will happen. I still have to lose 20-30lbs before I am at my goal weight. Good luck and I hope you start losing soon!
  • Thank you, I new everything the article says but when the scales say you have put on 'weight' it is very depressing especially when you have done all the right things.
  • TheCloverFreak
    TheCloverFreak Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one out there with this problem. And that article was helpful even if i knew a lot of it.

    I have taken measurements a month ago. Tomorrow is my day to measure again. I"m hoping I've lost inches even if i haven't lost much weight. I will say that I should. I am down a pant size, though it's really the only indicator so far that I've lost anything.

    We will see how tomorrow morning goes!