Low Carb or Calorie Counting?

I have done both of these...but have had the best long term success on the low carb. no calorie counting and just way easier. I am trying to adopt a new food relationship and basically just say everything in moderation. I am frustrated with my lack of movement on the scale and are swaying to go back to low carb, but maybe eat less fat and more veggies.

Thoughts? If you do low carb....are you watching your fat intake? If you're just watching your calories...does that always work no matter what you eat...white bread, sugar, sweets if you are under your daily calories?



  • melissawidmer
    melissawidmer Posts: 25 Member
    I'm new to this and have the same question. Do we watch calories or carbs more?
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I like to watch calories, personally, I feel I have more control, BUT I am on a low carb diet. Figure that one out...

    Anywho, you need to do what works best for you. Not everyone works with every plan out there! I eat a low carb, low fat, high protein diet. My doctor has me eating/drinking 4 protein shakes and a 300-400 calorie dinner. I'm to avoid most sugary foods, including a lot of fruits. This works for me. I have between 90 and 125g of protein a day. It's a viciously hard diet, but I do really well and feel really good when I follow it. This is a medically supervised diet, people shouldn't eat like this all the time! But she does follow the diet too (when she needs to), so I don't feel too bad.

    Count what you need to count for the diet to work. If you want to be healthy, I say limit the fat. Especially saturated and trans fats. They will kill your cholesterol if you don't!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'm not carb-phobic and have had success with counting calories.

    I try to limit the amount of junk/processed food (biscuits, cake, chocolate, lollies, beer etc) that I eat and get lots of veggies and fruit in there. I don't get too stressed about carb or sugar numbers as long as they are mostly coming from fruit, dairy, oatmeal, whole grains and other less processed stuff. I also don't go out of my way to get incredibly high protein numbers, from my reading it doesn't seem necessary.

    Some people report that low carb works for them, but I've never had any need to do this - just watching calories works fine for me and I have no desire to make this process more difficult. Try it out and do what works, and is sustainable in the long term, for you!
  • my_username_was_taken
    I have had great success in the past with the South Beach Diet. My issue was that I ate way too much. SO, I am eating South Beach Diet approved food/recipes but counting the calories. Even with the healthiest food if you eat too many calories its stll too many calories.

    I am looking forward to combining the plan that I found the best for me along with the calorie counting here and increased steps with my fitbit. I was doing this on another site and just switched to this one because it allows you plan and log ahead. Planning ahead is vital for me when I get busy.

    Good Luck to all of us in journey to good health and long living!
  • whoiskat23
    whoiskat23 Posts: 103 Member
    I do both. I count calories, but watch my carbs. I very rarely eat all my allotment of carbs and always go over on my protein. I actually feel really good because I still have carbs, mostly from fruits, veggies, whole grains, but not so much I feel like sluggish. The other thing I watch is my fiber and drink tons of water. I'm down 5lbs this month and this is the healthiest way I've ever lost weight. It may take me a long time, but it will be off for good this time. This is definitely a way I will be eating for the rest of my life.
  • fuzzimama
    I do both. I count calories, but watch my carbs. I very rarely eat all my allotment of carbs and always go over on my protein. I actually feel really good because I still have carbs, mostly from fruits, veggies, whole grains, but not so much I feel like sluggish. The other thing I watch is my fiber and drink tons of water. I'm down 5lbs this month and this is the healthiest way I've ever lost weight. It may take me a long time, but it will be off for good this time. This is definitely a way I will be eating for the rest of my life.

    Sounds like me. I count calories, but because I think its easy to eat too much stodgy carbs (even in rice, pasta etc. not just cakes etc.), then I have small portions of those, but make up the calories with protein and fat. I'm not a meat for three meals kind of gal, and many days we eat vegetarian meals all day, and I still have no problem meeting my protein goals. I eat a reasonable amount of eggs, nuts with some meat, low-ish starchy carbs, and very little empty calorie starchy carb stuff. I am usually over on protein and fat and under on carbs in the pre-set MFP goals. But I don't consider myself a low-carber (like those who aim for 20 - 50g per day).