Need some suggestions please!!!!

I really need help understanding this I am always way under goal on my calories by the end of the night I don't know if I am being healthy, I force myself to eat a snack at night just to get a few more calories for the day, I feel like all I do is eat by the time i get to the gym at night I feel like I should stay twice as long as normal just to work off the food I ate. I want to lose weight in the worst way but if I am doing it wrong I know that if I gain weight back it will come back on twice as much. PLEASE HELP!!!!!


  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Can you open up your diary so I can take a look? :-)
  • How do I do that?
  • cswearingen
    cswearingen Posts: 10 Member
    I feel the same way, but I talked to my fitness coach and she said if I am following my plan, which is high protein, not to worry about her words, do try to play chess when you are playing checkers, so it all depends on your plan. Find a food plan and stick with it. Hope that helps!
  • I think I opened it to the public so u can look.
  • holli_walker
    holli_walker Posts: 109 Member
    settings> diary settings. :)
  • :smile: Hi im sweetcheeks3. i recently had gastric bypass surgery Dec 14,2011. im new tonite not sure how this all works. Hope things work out for you.
  • Hi, Im much the same. I constantly am way under my calories by night time, however, if you are not hungry then dont eat. I find through out the day I am eating something every 2-3 hours which I never did before. This is actually recomened especially when you are working out as you are keeping your body fueled. Im no expert and I have a long way to go with my weight loss but my advice would be if you are truly not hungry then dont eat
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    As long as you are reasonably close to your goal, don't fret it. If you are several hundred away, there might be a problem. People talk about "starvation mode" that your body can go into when you don't get enough calories. And then you won't lose weight at all! It's a delicate balancing act that only you can know for yourself. Worrying about it won't help either! ;)

    If you're hungry, eat. If you're not, don't. Just listen carefully to the cues your body gives you.
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    I had a look at your diary. I would try eating more throughout the day: More fruit, veg, nuts and protein (ie. boiled eggs)
  • DanielleDavids
    DanielleDavids Posts: 96 Member
    If you are worried about not-enough calories, I suggest adding some healthy fats into your diet (you should be incorporating them anyway!). Nuts and peanut butter are a great way to get some healthy fats & only takes a little bit to add some calories. More protein would also help, you seem to be eating a lot of carbs and not enough proteins/fats, in my opinion. I'm not a professional or anything, but that will definitely help you reach your calorie goal and will help you have a well-rounded nutrient content in your daily diet.
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    looks ok , if you ask me . I think that if you stay around 1200 cals , is safe. I don't eat my exercise calories and my doctor said is ok , as long as it is a healthy , well balanced diet . I take vitamins too.
    If you want to get more calories in , try to have a healthy snack- pecans, almonds, banana and dried fruits ( no sugar added)

    I wouldn't worry too much . I think we should focus on nutrition not on calories.

  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I would add more protein and try eating less processed foods like that cafe steamer. Processed foods tend to have higher sodium and sometimes lack important nutrients you would get if you cooked for yourself.
  • mlc3409
    mlc3409 Posts: 45 Member
    I explained it this way to my friend and she seemed to help her understand it.

    MFP is like a checkbook for eating. It gives you a starting balance for the day. As you eat you make a withdrawal from that balance when you exercise you make a deposit to that balance.

    SO the key here is to make sure that you are eating at least the "STARTING BALANCE" don't worry if you are under on the days you add exercise because those are just BONUS calories.

    Try and just stay focused on your daily calories. when I first started I didn't even add exercise in my diary because I found it too confusing. I only use MFP for tracking FOOD that I ate.

    I hope this helps.

    Best wishes on your journey to a healthier you!!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    If you are logging accurately, then you're undereating. Estimate how much exercise you will be doing and plan ahead. You want to see "0 calories remaining", not hundred of calories remaining.

    Another approach is to set your goal to maintain weight, hit that number, and use the exercise to achieve your deficit.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I am by no means an expert, but my opinion is that you could add some Protein like Fat Free Milk to your Diet. That would bring your Calorie Count up, Plus give your body some good nutrition. Nuts--in small quantitys--are also good.
    :smile: The bottom line is that if you are feeling good and losing weight don't worry about the details.
  • My 2 cents: I agree with the suggestions to add lean protein and healthy fats like nuts. You also seem pretty low on fiber, so try more fruits/vegs/beans/whole grains. If you are losing at a reasonable rate (no more than 2 lbs per week), then overall you're doing really well. If you're losing 3+ lbs per week or not losing at all, you probably need to eat more.
  • The diet isn't probably tailored EXACTLY to your body, so they probably don't intend to eat when not hungry. Especially if you are on a high protien and veggie diet, like many of us. That fills you up very quickly. But from what I have seen, just pay attention that you at least pop something in your mouth like a handful of nuts every few hours, and it will keep your metabolism going even if you don't feel like a meal. You may used to be letting yourself go a little hungry and are not used to eating like normal, the way nature intended, without deprivation and guilty hunger.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    MFP works by giving you a daily deficit to lose whatever amount of weight you set it up for (1-2 pounds per week). You need to eat the calories they give you to be losing at the correct rate the healthiest way possible. This includes lots of fresh fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and as little processed food as possible (that's the healthiest, not that I am perfect, far from it.). When you exercise, this gives you extra calories that you should eat to fuel your body so that it works most efficiently. If you don't feed your machine, it may not give you the results you want. I followed this and lost 50 pounds! I've kept it off (within 5 pounds) already for 6 months because it's easy to maintain this lifestyle.

    Build strength, because building muscle helps burn fat, do moderate cardio several days a week, and eat a healthy diet as close to your daily net calories as possible. It WILL work!!!!
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I am no expert so take my 2 cents for whatever it's worth to you.

    I looked at your diary for today and my first question is Are you eating enough to feel satisfied? I know my hunger would not be satisfied eating what you ate today, especially after a really good workout. You are eating a lot of processed foods so keep watch of your sodium. I personally spent a year eating nothing but frozen WW and LC meals because I thought they were safe and reliable but in the end I just ended up spending a lot of money and didn't really learn how to eat healthy., Plus, those frozen meals get boring after a while.

    You might want to add a multivitamin to your daily routine...can't hurt.
  • carts1179
    carts1179 Posts: 15 Member
    When I eat healthy I can eat A LOT of food. Some high calorie foods i like are almonds for snacks, a real whole egg at breakfast and protein shakes can add calories too.