Rant alert!

brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
Rant alert. Once you turn 18 and are able to pay your taxes, pay your own bills, do your own grocery shopping, get a job, etc. it's time to grow up. You might be eighteen or nineteen but the stupid teenage partying, drama, drinking, drugs, whatever should be long gone. Just because you're still young and growing up doesn't mean not having fun, but realizing that there are some things that are more important than getting high or drunk, and there are certainly better ways to have fun. Oh, and those "cute" pictures of you smoking weed with your pals or playing beer pong on your Facebook? Good luck getting a respectable job with those. Once they are on the Internet, they stay there. Go to school, get an education. Get a job, or better yet, start a career. Find something you want to do that doesn't involve keg stands and jello shots. Pay some bills. Thank your parents. I'm not saying never drink, never go to a party, or whatever, but learn to prioritize your life. It's time to stop acting like you're still 15. It's sad that I feel this way about my own generation! </rant>


  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Word. I'm an "old lady" at 37 and am amazed by the things even my generation posts!!
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Word. I'm an "old lady" at 37 and am amazed by the things even my generation posts!!

    Oh you're not old! I'm the one that feels old! Damn it I'm 19 and I say things like "kids these days..."
  • lonaneomaflame
    I know what you mean, I feel like that a lot watching people my age. I'm eighteen, but I became a mommy for the first time at fifteen so I grew up then, I've never drank, done drugs, smoked or anything like that. I always felt that I was suposed to do things like before having kids, and just because I have them younge didn't mean that it no longer applied.
  • jkdarby
    jkdarby Posts: 53 Member
    I agree! I still see "young adults" my age (22) doing these things. I got a "respectable" job when I turned 18. It wasn't fast food, and it was a great office-type job with full benefits. I am still with the company and have been promoted since. I go to school full time while also working full time. I bought my first house last year, because of all of my hard work. My parents don't (and haven't since I was 16) pay for anything. I have worked hard to get where I am and wouldn't think twice about drinking it all away.
  • geckofli
    geckofli Posts: 155 Member
    paid (: thats a worth while and quality rant
    own your life stop whinging about how hard done by you are and how **** your life is because life isnt good or bad its just life
    and life is what you make it so stop blaming others for your situation.
    id make that a bumper sticker but some brat would probably trash my car for it then blame society for not holding their hand
  • geckofli
    geckofli Posts: 155 Member
    oh a 37 is not old its just a number, your number yeah but i dont think its old (:
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    id make that a bumper sticker but some brat would probably trash my car for it then blame society for not holding their hand

    Hahaha! I agree. There are a lot of people that feel unnecessarily entitled.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    AMEN!!!! I work at a college campus (dorms) and the mess that place is half the time with all the drunk, stoned peeps walking around is dumbfounding... They are learning slowly but surely but my God I am shocked that half of them were able to make it to college... :(
  • CateLouise
    CateLouise Posts: 60 Member
    i prioritise a hell of a lot better then most my friends who get made when i stay in to study =/ please i actually want to get out of the stupid place (i live in perth australia pretty sure antartica has more happening)

    what i hate is seeing all the 13 year old girls walking around in their short shorts and mid diff tees..................................why do parents let them out like that????

    if my dad saw me liek that now (which would never happen coz that would be gross lol) i would get my *kitten* kicked
    where are the parents in all of this????
  • grizzlymaze
    grizzlymaze Posts: 185 Member
    WOW! I understand your point but your frustration is pointed in the wrong direction. I have never been one to party, smoke, or disobey the law, but I can see where some kids are still being kids. College is suppose to be the best time of your young life, and its natural to be young nad stupid. It is what it is, plain and simple. The parents of these young adults should be more involved with there lives and ask questions about what is happening in there life. Not to be pushy or act as a friend but to show they care. The youth may not see what the parent is doing, but later on in life when they become parents is when they will finally understand and be able to look back at there life and know if the road they traveled was the right path or not. We all end up where we want to be, it just depends on the road the is traveled; some roads are nice and striaght without any bumps or detours and some last for miles and turns and bumps all along the way.

    You may be frustrated with someone at this point, but just look inside of yourself and know that you gave your best at whatever task you had set out to do. If you know that it wasn't your best effort, than you need to learn from the mistake(s) that you made so that the next time this experiance came around than you would be ready. Knowing how to learn from your mistakes is proof to yourself that you have become an adult.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    There is no point in getting upset about other people's choices, as long as it is not causing others problems (ex yourself). Getting upset over what other people choose to do with their own lives is pointless and can only cause frustration.

    If you don't like drinking, partying, weed etc. then simply don't partake in it...I'm not really into the drinking scene and don't smoke myself, but I know a good few people who are into that stuff and have really good heads on their shoulders...

    A lot of 18 year olds didn't have the freedoms that you or others might have had living at home. Yes, a lot of people go crazy with their newfound freedom, but it's normal and to be expected. I was fortunate to have experienced nightlife as a teenager, so I didn't go crazy when I got to college, but it makes sense that a lot of people would.

    I can really relate to what you are writing...When I was your age, I went through a similarly frustrated phase. I had always imagined college life would be filled with more mature people, and was disappointed when most people became more immature than in high school. Learning to let go of my urge to control my environment brought me a lot of peace. I also learned that "living a little" doesn't mean that someone is immature...of course you don't have to party to have fun, but it is possible to have a balanced life which includes the "typical" college scene.

    I hope this helps. :flowerforyou:
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    hahaha im 24 have a, suppose what you would call a "real" job as a tax consultant and i still found the time all through uni to do the "teenage" out drinking and partying every night...... i still find the time these days to do it too...... LOL xx
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I have a 20 year old daughter (1 of 4 kids 24-14) so get to see a fair bit of youthful facebook and it never fails to amaze me the things that they post.

    So you smoked a joint but did you really need to put it on facebook that will be there for all to see forever more...Thats the problem, they are cataloging their lives and washing their dirty laundry online. Employers do look at your FB when you go for jobs etc and rightly or wrongly people will be turned down or sacked for things they posted as a facebook status many moons ago.

    I'm not saying they should stop drinking etc - their life but I would strong advise anyone about putting it out there because it may well come back to haunt them.
  • Chadwick891
    Chadwick891 Posts: 72 Member
    Funny story.

    When I were 12-17 I went out to a party... once... Drank possibly twice and only went out with friends because we wanted to chill, not to drink, get high or any of that bullsh*t.

    Now that I'm turning 20. Nothing has changed. Yes, clubs are opened to me, pubs are too, I go to them, but I don't drink, I don't smoke and I honestly don't understand the big deal about needing to do these stupid things to get attention.

    I find Alcohol repulsive and if I smoked cigarettes, I would have a shocking cardiovascular system and probably have bad lungs too.

    What is so exciting about that?
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    There is no point in getting upset about other people's choices, as long as it is not causing others problems (ex yourself). Getting upset over what other people choose to do with their own lives is pointless and can only cause frustration.

    If you don't like drinking, partying, weed etc. then simply don't partake in it...I'm not really into the drinking scene and don't smoke myself, but I know a good few people who are into that stuff and have really good heads on their shoulders...

    A lot of 18 year olds didn't have the freedoms that you or others might have had living at home. Yes, a lot of people go crazy with their newfound freedom, but it's normal and to be expected. I was fortunate to have experienced nightlife as a teenager, so I didn't go crazy when I got to college, but it makes sense that a lot of people would.

    I can really relate to what you are writing...When I was your age, I went through a similarly frustrated phase. I had always imagined college life would be filled with more mature people, and was disappointed when most people became more immature than in high school. Learning to let go of my urge to control my environment brought me a lot of peace. I also learned that "living a little" doesn't mean that someone is immature...of course you don't have to party to have fun, but it is possible to have a balanced life which includes the "typical" college scene.

    I hope this helps. :flowerforyou:

    I know it's not worth getting frustrated over, just a bit of a rough time is all. I have a Facebook, of course, and I see people that I knew in high school and even the girl that used to be my best friend and hate all that stuff, posting pictures of them doing keg stands with the caption "my first keg stand." Same girl posts pictures of her getting high. Its frustrating because she's so smart, and right now she's working a dead end job and not going to school. I guess it's more seeing people throw their life away, you know? But you're right though, it isn't affecting me, so I shouldn't be worried about it. Sometimes I just let little things get me worked up!
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    erasing facebook pics
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I worry about myself,and my family I dont care what anyone else does
  • savage22hp
    savage22hp Posts: 278 Member
    erasing facebook pics

    Great rant ! I remember what it was like to be young but I also remember wanting to make my dreams a reality which I found out real quick wasn't going to happen by spending all my time , money and energy on " what I want right NOW " ! There comes a time when you have to quit focusing on now and start making the foundation for what you want tomorrow . I would really have hated to wake up one morning to discover all my friends had moved on and I was still partying with kids 4 or 5 years younger than me .
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm 39 and love flip cup and beer pong. :blushing:
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I worry about myself,and my family I dont care what anyone else does

    Hey - if they are out posting all this stuff, it should be easier for us to get jobs - right?