hi wanting more friends

Hi I'm Brittany I'm 23 with a 2 1/2 yr old and almost 3 month old I only have a few pounds nut limiting my calories are killing me and I'm really wanting to loose a few inches around my waist...my family thinks I'm stupid for wanting to be skinnier so I'd like some support...


  • Girl! You are NOT stupid for wanting to lose a bit of weight. It's healthy! And you just had a baby. I've never heard of a new mother not wanting to lose the last bit of their baby weight. So you go girl!!
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    hey there,
    dont be silly, we all want to be skinner, taller, longer hair, richer, etc etc....

    least we can do something about being skinnier ;)

    feel free to add me :) xxx
  • hi im relatively new as well feel free to add me!!
  • Hello and welcome here I hope you have a great day
  • feel free to add! open diary here as well! :)